Chapter 7

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Running after Asher I pull him to the side. Good thing its noisy outside and no one can hear us. He slides his hands in pockets of the hoodie.

"How long has this been going on?"

"It's complicated."

"Liv, It's Layla. You have not seen what I've seen, she loves him." I know Asher and Layla are close. So I don't know if his going to keep this to himself, and I don't want him to. Like I'm okay with someone else taking this log out for me.

If he tells her well then so be it.

He shakes his head and then Spencer joins the party.

Yes, please do come and join us talking in whispers and have Asher upset with you and get people wondering what's going on.

I look around us everyone seems busy, enjoying their festive night. But it will only take one moment.

"Dude you shouldn't be in my face right now."

"As long as you will be talking about me, you will have me in your face." They square up to each other and I want to run but if I leave I can't put it past their testosterones to not get physical.

Oh jeez. "Can the both of you tone it down?

Asher moves closer. "Are you serious right now? You're messing with Layla and with her sister." The disapproval in his voice doesn't even shake me to my senses.

"How is it any of your business?"

"They are my friends."

"Then stay in your friend zone and mind your business."

"Please stop." Pushing Spencer away by pulling onto his elbow. He steps back standing closer to me. "Asher calm down."

"Calm down, Liv how can you do this?"

"Don't call her that?"

"Asher this wasn't planned okay, however, either drop your voice down or go tell her because there is no need for you to keep shouting." Looking at my surroundings, good everyone seems busy.

Oh jeez. My head hurts.

Asher looks at him for a beat. He scoffs and steps closer to Spencer. At this point I am squeezing Spencer's arm.

"Liv is my..." he doesn't even get to finish what he had to say, his punched in the face. And I move back to avoid being hit because apparently I was holding the wrong hand. Of all the things Spencer could get upset about, Asher calling me Liv is what set him off. Unbelievable.

They start to wrestle on the ground, Jordan comes in to separate them and neither of them says a word.

Deciding to help out since Jordan has Asher, I pull Spencer by holding his neck. When he realizes it's me, his body falls, relaxing a little but not yet calmed down enough to not want to punch someone.

His eyes are looking at me apologetically, taking his hands to see if they are bruised. "I'm fine."

"That was stupid." I whisper.

"What is going on here?" Dad calls with a stiff jaw. Looking between the two men. They don't say anything. "We have guests tonight, whatever this is better be taken elsewhere. You will not disrespect this house and my wife." He looks at Spencer with disapproval. "This is Christmas, spread the family joy and get yourselves cleaned up."

Asher is the first to walk away and I let out a breath. Relief running through my veins right now.

Good thing Spencer lets it go and heads inside the house, probably locking himself in the bedroom. I know the look in his eyes, he wants to hug me but he can't. so he squeezes my fingers and walks away.

When I turn to go grab a drink, my eyes come face to face with Layla's. she is not giving me a look that I am familiar with but a quizzical one.

Trying to look elsewhere I run into mom's eyes. "Jeez mom, you scared me." Why is she just standing there watching me? She takes my hand and pulls me to a secluded area. "Mom?"

"Why are you in the middle of their fight?"

"Mom, not now okay?"

"Yes now, your sisters' boyfriend." What does she know?

"Everyone knows that."

"Clearly not you."

"What does that mean?" I try to walk off but she pulls me closer. "Mom either you come straight with it or you allow me to go and enjoy Christmas."

"Fine, I saw you and spencer."

Now mom is a Lawyer, and I have seen this move many times she wants me to panic and spill the beans. But not today, if she knows something she will have to spell it before I say my side of things.

While I wait for her, I play the previous events in my head. How many times I have been with Spencer alone.

"I saw the both of you yesterday when you came back from your morning run." Oh no. "He pulled you to him, then you gripped his...anatomy...while saying something to him." Can the ground open please? "And then..."

"That's made your point."

"Now I at first I thought he was bothering you until I saw you playfully push him away, smacking his ass..."

My answer comes out with a little of a bite. "I get it."

Mom looks around us, smiling at someone behind me and falls back to seriousness. "So I ask again why are you in the middle of this fuss?" then she looks at me with disappointment, which I hate. "Why did it have to be him?"

This conversation is making my head hurt. All the bad decisions I have made are mine and I will gladly sleep on the bed I made. What I don't need is for other people to make the fire burning around me worse.

"I don't want to ruin your Christmas with answers you won't like." Taking her hands in mine so that she can feel my dilemma. "Please drop it, will talk about this tomorrow."

No we won't

She shakes her head, probably stopping herself from calling me names in her head. Walking off.

Now I don't need any more problems tonight so I just avoid my gut and find myself a stiff drink. Simone finds me and we move to the side. These corners and plants must be tired of all the secrets.

"What happened?" sipping her drink.

"Asher caught us making out." Choking on her drink, she starts coughing like crazy I have to pat her back. "And mom knows about us."

Her eyes start getting watering because she wants to talk at the same time she's coughing. "Girl." Cough. "What if she found out?"

"About what?" both our heads spin around to catch the person creeping behind us even though their voice was already a sign.

Oh jeez, Merry fucking Christmas to me.

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