Chapter 9

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It's been a week since getting back to work. Yes, I have been talking to spencer like it's not even up for debate. He slept over when we got back home.

No we didn't have sex.

Too be fair I don't really know what's going on with Layla and him, I choose not to know I think if I sleep with him again I will end up releasing all this frustration in me.

Our connection is probably just sexual.

So I am about to take advantage of that and wake up tomorrow morning feeling free and relaxed and not think about my sister's boyfriend again, even if they breakup how can I ever bring around my friends and family. So I'll just fuck him out of my system and forget he ever existed.

That's the plan.

I set up dinner for two in my living room, some wine, comedy to make us laugh. And I didn't forget that the two of us like to share a puff once or twice. A cloudy head is always needed in such situations.

The bell alerts me of a guest and I place my boobs accordingly.

Cleavage... Check.

Minty breath... Check.

Smokey eyes... Check.

And most importantly. Good attitude...Double check.

The door opens to a handsome, man. Wish I could be the turtle neck. Feeling his every bone.

"Wow." Stepping inside, when I try to back off he catches me in his arms. Pressing me closer to him. I'm engulfed by his scent making me already activated than I already am. How does such a product get passed through for turning people on. At least give us a chance to look at our options. "You look beautiful."

"thank you." Acting shy, ladies you know this game right. Got to keep them on their toes. "What you have in the bag?"

He lets me go and hands me the brown paper bag. "Since you love bread more than flowers, I passed through the bakery you told me about." I mentioned about this bread to Simone while we were all having breakfast one morning. Didn't know he was listening, and the fact that he remembered.

His not making this easier.

Smiling I turn away from him, using the excuse to put this in the kitchen as a way to go and collect myself.

When I return his pulled off his jacket, leaving him in only a tight golf t-shirt. Tracing my eyes over his body, locking in on his lips. Once I was done I found his eyes watching me with a smile playing over his lips.

The look in his beautiful brown eyes stripped me bare. I couldn't find it in me to look away and to be honest I didn't want to. His eyes were hypnotic. I felt him down to the bone.

I walk closer to him, pulling him down with me. So that we are both sitting. My legs were starting to feel like noodles. The hand holding his wrist slides to his waist. Pushing his t-shirt, a little higher so that I can have some skin on display. I felt his fingers tracing my jaw, leaving a trail of heat in its wake where his hand cupped my neck.

We'd been dancing around each other for the past weeks now. The lingering touches, the long stares. The feeling was building, simmering between us.

My fingers continued caressing him, the back of my knuckles dragged along the waistband of his pants. Spencer's eyes widened and he drew in a shaky breath as his stomach flexed.

His other hand came around my waist and drew me closer. Our chests nearly closed the distance, our gaze locked, and I could feel the heat of his skin under my hand. I slid my hand up his ribs, to his chest. Grazing his hardened nipple with my thumb. "I missed this."

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