Chapter 5

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It's a rainy day.

As we near the big day, leaves are wet, the smell of wet soil which I love. And the chill it brings along with it. Sucks I can't go running as it is heavily raining. Lucky me mom had installed a gym last year after she noticed how much I enjoyed working out. It kept me sane. I even had a treadmill in my office.

Pushing the door open with a little hype to my step, I almost combust at a half-naked Spencer lifting weights. Muscles contracting right before my eyes, it was a wow factor. He was a beautiful man. It was only a few seconds before he caught my eye but I didn't care and in my head I could have been standing there for a year.

Moving my feet forward. He nods at me but says nothing else. We both have music blasting in our ears, I know because I have mine on a low volume today, the wetness between my legs is destruction enough.

Stepping on the treadmill, which he does as well. Our paces are equal, starting with something light before we pick up speed. Glancing at each other from time to time. I can't help but stare at his hands. Our smiles are fucking mischievous I could cum if he smiled fully.

Don't know when this became a competition, we on the floor, legs pulled up as we balance with a ball in our hands moving it from left to right. Breathing hard but no sound coming out to fill the room. Our heavy breathing as me so high. Sex is playing on my mind. His eyes linger on my legs and I can see his shorts are telling me a story.

Thunder cracks through the sky, it still looks dark out because of the rains, yes it's like seven or something. His teeth distract me as the ball drops to the floor. "No fair." My legs feel like noodles, I lay back, legs stretched and I feel his hands on my feet.

Jerking upright. "Just massaging you before your body catches up." Nodding I lay back down and enjoy his hands stretching and pulling at my toes. Then he works my calf, knee. Upwards then backward. My pussy is clenching on nothing, getting excited at his touch. If I close my legs now he will know, so I become rigid. Fingers gently pressing my thigh. "You are tense here." Rubbing the inside of my thigh. The shorts I'm wearing are short and loose, one more inch and his brushing my punani. He presses harder and a moan slips out my lips. His hands are off me like he just got burnt.

Just when I'm about to move off the floor, his body slides over me. Sweaty hard muscle, it feels like it was just yesterday I got under him, literary. I can feel every inch of him grinding and pressing hard where I need him the most. I want to touch him, kiss his lips until we are out of breath. His lips ghosts over mine promising me to catch me when I fall. His body can do that, we are so in sync, attached to the bone as he rubs his dick on my clit.

Eye contact still firing up.

His hands holding me down.

When I start to breathe harder and quiver, his movements become sloppy and quick. His about to come and I'm going to explode right here on the floor. Selfishly I pull him closer wanting to feel him, smell and hold him as he calms down. This is the best orgasm so far, hot and dirty. Something about getting caught hyped up my hormones.

We stayed like that for a while before getting off the floor. He helped me up, staring me down like his ready to pounce on me without barriers this time. But my guilt had me escaping to my room faster than a hungry cheetah.


A cold shower would have helped but its freaking cold today, hot water will have to do. Maybe I should stop working out. These little moments I'm having with him are dangerous.

Only four days to go, all this will be forgotten.

Just ignore him...


My phone lights up to a message. It's from unknown number.

Unknown: I'm sorry

Now I don't have a problem with anyone. Okay that's a lie, the point is that those people wouldn't dare cross me. So it can only be from one person.

Me: for what?

Unknown: I never lied to you. I'm sorry if I caused you stress and about the gym situation.

Me: I played my part right.

The dots appeared then disappeared. It was the first time we were communicating. And it didn't feel awkward at all.

Me: do you feel guilty?

Unknown: that's the problem I don't.

Unknown: I'm wishing to cum inside you

Me: shit

Unknown: yeah shit indeed

We were steering on sloppy grounds yet that didn't stop us from drifting in the mud. I got in bed, excited about the unknown. This man that I met and immediately wanted to fuck is now closer than ever. I've tried to lie to myself but it's doing no good.

It's like we are back at the hotel. Our conversations running smoothly, I feel like I know him so well, can predict his every move and read his expression yet we hardly know each other in some ways. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this position. 

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