Chapter 4

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The following morning, we both ran quietly side by side, glancing at each other. His eyes said I'll break soon and mine; well I had none to say to that, I just smiled and raced him back home.

Once inside, sweat dripping our backs. The taste of his sweat still alive on my tongue as I recall our night of bliss. Enough with the dirty thoughts Olivia

Everyone is already awake. Simone, Layla and Jordan are in the kitchen when we emerge. I drop my ass down avoiding looking at Layla who gets up to kiss Spencer. "Baby I'm all sweaty." He complains as if that can stop him from getting some.

I'm sure his girlfriend feels the same way from the look she gives him. "I missed you this morning. Want to shower together?"

"Oh please go to your room for that." Jordan complains.

Spencer just smiles pulling out two cups as he starts to make us tea. His conversation with Jordan is cut short as Simone joins in on their bro-mance. Once his done with everything he slides the cup my way. The cup I hadn't asked for, Simone gives me a look that I disregard.

"Ugh. Thank you." I take sip and it takes a lot to hold off my smile because he remembered how I love my tea. I didn't even see him add Ginger in it. "Okay I have to get cleaned."

Simone jumps up with joy like she too needs a bath. "I'll come with." Rolling my eyes because she just wants to question me. Last night her smile was devious like she knew something but what could she know.

Once the door is closed behind her, "how did he know how you take your tea?" shit why did he have to do that? Hope no one else noticed. "Of course they noticed, we were all right there." She folds her hands over her chest. "Now spill."

"There is nothing to spill." Pulling my sweaty clothes now. "He was just lucky I guess."

"Lucky is him not getting caught by Layla starring at you like no one else is around. And no one makes you tea without hearing your directions, which is annoying but girl something is up. Not to mention, ginger is not something you add to people's tea unless you know that's how they like."

Sooner or later she will figure it out.

"How are you the only one who noticed, you seeing things?"

"Layla is blinded by whatever she feels for the man; Jordan is...Jordan."

With a heavy sigh I sit next to her ready to tell her about the best se I ever had again since I had called that morning on the plane. Fangirling over being fucked good and how my pussy was singing his name.

"Okay you remember the man I told you about. Mr. one-night stand."

"The one who eat your ass."

Nice. Thank you for reminding me that. "It was Spencer."

Her mouth falls open. "You said he gave you a contact card." Your point sister. Reading the look off my face. "He wanted to see you again while he was heading to spend time with his girlfriend, who in this case is Layla. Well damn..."

"Has if that's not bad enough he told me he still wants to fuck me, and everything else in between." Tears build up in my eyes as the stress and agony catches up with me. "But it's Layla. How can I tell her what happened..."?

"His the one that didn't know who he was then unless it happened again..." eyeing me with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes. "Nothing has happened,"

"Will you tell her?"

"I told him that's his business to handle but I'm her sister, girl just keeping this from her is bad and I don't want any part of it but I'm already part of it."

We sat there in silence her shit eating grin had me fake a frown because even without her lips telling me what I already know. Spencer was the kind of man I could not avoid, not for long and certainly not after having a taste of him.

As if the universe is shitting on my plate. I hear a voice that I was once fold of and kind of makes things a little weird. Asher is catching up with Jordan when he sees me and his reaction isn't strange. He smiles and rushes over, "Liv?"

Spencer's smile fades and he doesn't even try to pretend otherwise after watching me interact with Asher. The entire day his being snapping giving Layla short answers. To say the rest of the day was weird is an understatement.

This will be harder than I thought.

Trying to act normal was like asking to get caught. We rarely talked among others. Layla even pulled me aside to ask me if I hated her boyfriend because it was either we were glaring at each other or arguing about every little thing.

Walking on egg shells was starting to feel like ice and it was cracking. It's only a matter of time and I was hoping this ice breaks once we are gone.

Last night after Asher left, Spencer and Layla seemed to be having an argument. The entire time I thought she found my underwear that he insists on keeping but I don't think that was it, they made it even weirder than it already was.

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