Chapter 6

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"May I talk to you for a second?" Layla asks, standing at the threshold of my door. She hasn't been looking too happy today and the fact that I know what's causing her bad mood is messed up.

Tucking my phone in my pocket I call her over.

"What's going on. We only have one day left and I won't be seeing you for a while."

She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"You know what nothing, it's nothing. I'm just being paranoid."

"Sometimes the voice in our head is right."

What am I doing? Someone please glue my mouth. I am gaslighting an issue I know very well must not be handled like this.

At this point it's too late for me, after our session in the gym. Spencer and I have communicated consistently.

I know what you are thinking.

It's not about the lovely stuff.

His been helping me with my proposal and marketing strategy. True story.

Layla looks at me, she smirks and starts to head out of the room. "Stop working so hard and come have lunch."

"You should have said that earlier, need energy to prepare for the barbecue at night." We walk out together, talking about the chicken.

I sit next to Simone which has me opposite Spencer. We are the only ones who never change our seats, not wanting to risk what might happen to our bodies if we sit close to each other.

She bumps my shoulder. "Was happy that will have more shares."

"You didn't want to eat?" he asks; I'm taken back for a second wondering if his speaking to me or it's something I am imagining. Not saying it happens a lot.

It might be a simple question but I know his worried and had just told me not to miss my meals.

"She's joking." He gives me a raised eyebrow before looking away. I do the same not lingering on each other. I hear my phone vibrate and I almost scoff.

Does he know the word discrete?

We getting into our meals and for the most part no one is talking about me.

As if she heard me my mother turns her attention to me which means everyone is listening even if they pretend not to listen. Eavesdroppers.

"Honey how is your campaign coming along?"

"the proposal passed through, will be having a meeting when I get back Monday morning to discuss it further."

"Wow that's amazing honey." Dad pipes in, cutting his meat. "we are so proud of you,"

Jordan wraps his hand around me. Smiling like a goofball. He doesn't need to say it I know his proud. "Let us know if we need to celebrate." I playfully slap his face. Everyone is surprised by the news, its nor secrete I have been targeting this project for a long time, However, Spencer can't even pretend to be surprised.

I had told him during our run this morning and I almost got a kiss but I still have some senses left.

One thing we did talk about most is our predicament, he thinks it's better to tell her once everyone leaves. So that he doesn't ruin Christmas for everyone.

Reasonable but I still don't agree, I think he should have told her the very moment he saw me.

He can't have the both of us.

The evening sets in really quick. I walk into the pantry grabbing some snacks I could mix up and take them out. Looking up I see that Jordan moved the crackers up. He always does this to me, knowing I'm the only one who enjoys them. Trying to reach up, a hand reaches for them. Grabbing them off the shelf.

He passes them to me, pretending to still be looking for something. "You shouldn't be here."

"Came to grab the juice so your mother could make punch."

"And she sent you?"

"I offered." He places his hands on my shoulder and turns me around. "Look at me Oliva."


His index finger gently runs on my lips. Getting my tingles out of the bottle I locked them in. the other hand makes its way to my waist. "I'm happy for you, I want to show you just how much." My eyes snap up, looking him in the eyes.

Big mistake.

We move closer as he buries his face in the crock of my neck, making it hard to concentrate from his breath tickling my insides. He places a gentle kiss and start to whine. Apparently that's the only thing I can.

The kisses turn to a lick. I don't know when I dropped the snacks from my hand. Because all I can feel are his pecks from under the shirt. He grabs my face turning me so we can face each other. Lips ghosting against one another. "Please let me." Inching closer I feel his lips but he doesn't press any further. His hands sliding down to my waist, pulling me closer. I pinch his nipple and that's all he need to lock in on my lips.

I loosen up, kissing him deeper. I know it's wrong but to me Spencer is the same man I met and had an amazing night with. He stole my breath away and hasn't return it since then.

His kisses alone make my toes curl. Just when his tongue makes some dance moves.


My heart drops.

Popping my eyes open I meet Asher's puzzled face. 

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