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A peaceful week has passed. Today is probably the day when the demon spawns come back home. I was in my room reading books. There were many books about magic. Though no one in the Esmeray blood line could do magic, there were many books about magic in the library. Not that I minded.

"Milady," Emily called as I looked up from the book.


"I found these papers in the drawers, should I throw them away?" she asked.

"Let me see them first," I said as I took the papers from here.

Right, I asked Emily to clean my study table in my room today. Some catalogues from various dress shops, some letters from different admirers, some random papers from jewellers and a few torn pages of different books and ruined letter papers.

Turn to the last few papers at the end of the bundle, it looked like application forms.

"The Tower of Magic of Alastaria..." I read.

The tower of magic...why is the magic tower admission form here? Esmeray isn't a family with magic in their bloodline. It took me quite a while to catch the most obvious fact. Evanora Esmeray was a mage in the original story. A magician with a lot of potential. Though she never completed her studies in the tower.

There was a small spinoff at the end of the book where the author talked about Evanora being one of the brightest magicians at the magic tower, but she never completed her studies in the tower. Though most magicians after finishing their studies either work for the imperial family or in the tower of magic as the tower is the only place not controlled by the imperial order.

But...what should I do with this now?

As there was a specific scene with magic, there was not much mentioned in the novels. And the books in the library talked about the type of magic and the control of mana. The books of spell were not allowed to most people who are not certified as students or magicians by the tower.

"Emily, are there any spell books in the house?" I asked.

"Spell books? Well, not everyone is allowed to have a spell book unless they are magicians. You had spell books but you threw them away." Emily said.


Who the fuck throws away spell books!? What the fuck!?

"Milady, did you remember something? Should I inform the duke?" Emily asked eagerly.

"Yes, it's nothing big." I sighed. I got up from my chair and walked towards the door. Pushing the door open as I walked towards the duke's office. Well, more like running towards the duke's office. With the new ghostly plan whispering in my ear, I had to put it to work now. It was the second segment.

Foundation of Survival, Step 2:

Becoming a strong magician to save myself!


I reached the door in time to see the butler walking out of the duke's office.

"Oh hello Josep!" I chirped.

"Hello milady, I was going to call you." Josep smiled at me.

"Did father call for me? I came to see him!" I said in an excited voice as I tried to catch my breath.

"Ah, yes. You see milady the young mast-"

"Oh that's great, lemme greet him now. We have a lot to talk about." I cut him off. After 'yes' I think my mind muted all the other useless words. I pushed the doors of the duke's office open as I walked inside in a hurry.

"Dad! We have a lot to talk about!" I said. Yes, the duke got upgraded from 'father' to 'dad' in a week, which is a good upgrade.

"Evanora! You are here already." the duke said, quite surprised.

"Yes, yes." I said.

"I have a lot to say!" I said eagerly like an excited kid who found the most colourful candy.

"Very well then, let's have tea and walk about the important matter." the duke chuckled.

"Also come here and greet your brothers," the duke said as I saw the world stop for a few seconds.


"Ah, yes. You see milady the young mast-" The young masters have returned... I didn't listen to the butler... Well, shit!


"You recognize them, right Eva?" the duke asked as I took a place beside the duke sitting across the two good looking gloomy faced men.

"The one on the right is brother Kaven, and the one on the left is brother Orion." I intentionally switched their names as I replied. Both the young men frowned at my reply.

"What?" Orion blew up as he spoke bullshit about how he didn't look anything like Kaven.

"Evanora, stop playing around." the duke scolded.

"Right, sorry. The one on the right is brother Orion and the one on the left is brother Kaven." I replied in a grumpy voice while Orion sat back down with a satisfied face.

What the hell? Is he a kid?

Kaven Léandre Esmeray. My first brother. Pitch black hair with blue eyes. He was the exact identical copy of the duke but younger. His hair was brushed backwards with an undercut, forehead exposed and a mullet in the front. He wore a 3 piece black suit, he had a blue cloak hanging from one of his shoulders with the Esmeray chest printed in the middle. His black shoes matched with his suit. He is 23 years old, commander of the Esmeray knights.

Orion Vaughan Esmeray. And that's my second brother. He had reddish brown hair and bright cyan blue eyes. He was wearing a light blue 3 piece suit. His hair was pushed back into a curtain fringe style. His dark blue shoes matched his blue suit. He will be turning 19 this year. As his academy ends after a month he will be joining the Esmeray knights as the second commander.

These are my two brothers.

"So she remembers us after all." Orion muttered.

"Who will ever forget a brother like you who picks fights on the smallest stuff" I spat back.

"Did you say I picked a fight?" Orion asked.

"You are doing it now as well." I grumbled.

"Wow, I thought with the memory loss you won't get on people's nerves but you are still the same." Orion chuckled darkly.

"Wow, and you talk big for someone who got into trouble for leaving the academy without permission." and at that even Kaven almost laughed. Orion glared at him.


And the cat and dog fight went on. 

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