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I let out the breath I was holding. Plopping down on the chair I placed beside his bed I sighed out of relief. The crown prince is alive.

I did my little victory dance as I was finally far far far away from the worst case scenarios but I paused as soon as I realised that I needed to patch up his wounds. It will be bad if I just leave those wounds like that. Taking the bandages from the bag I walked back towards the crown prince, but my body froze as soon as the realisation hit my head. I needed to take his shirt off to treat his wounds.


"I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this." my soul left my body and my mind stopped working.

Why am I going through this suffering!?

No! No! No! I must not think like this, what if he bleeds out and dies!? I can't allow that! But I can't undress him either! Ahh! I must get serious! Really serious, I can't let personal feelings get me, I must treat him!

After jumping around for 10 minutes at least, I calmed down my overly beating heart. I went to the bathroom and filled a bowl with water and brought it inside the room. Moving the medicine and vials elsewhere, I placed the bowl on the bedside table.

"Okay!" I took a deep breath. I will get it done!

"Men quiver before me! This is nothing! I will get it done!" with big self-confident speeches I towered over the unconscious male lead. But what if I get mistaken again.


"How dare you take advantage of an unconscious person! And not to mention he is the crown prince! Die you evil villainess!"

"How could you do this to my male lead!? You villainess! Die!"


This is worse than the last two scenarios! Even the female lead was here! As my self-confidence broke down, my empty shell tower over him. His white dressing shirt was now red all over. That shirt probably cost 100 gold coins.

"Let's get over it!" I said, determined to get the torture over. Pulling his long over coat and throwing it on the floor. Gosh, another 100 gold! I started unbuttoning his shirt, though it was already ruined. I could have just tore it but I must pay my respect to those 100 gold coins. Taking the shirt off this body I threw it on the floor once again. With my eyes desperately avoiding his body, I drenched a towel from the bathroom and started cleaning his wounds.

And dear author, why!? Why must the male lead be so gifted!? With good looks even to kill a person, why must he have such a body!? My eyes can't handle this! He was lean but still had well toned muscles. Why on earth am I attracted to that!? His black hair fell over his eyes. He can even beat sleeping beauty in her own game, and the silver light of the moon just gives him the final touch.

"Jeez! Look at him killing people in his sleep!" I cursed at my burning face as I cleaned the blood from all of his wounds and most of them had dried up. I changed the water multiple times as it got dirty very quickly. After finally clearing his wounds, I started applying medicine on it. Fiole was a very famous ointment. A magician recently opened a shop in Guson where he sells this ointment. It's very useful, even brother Kaven asked me to get those for his knights.

After applying it all over his wounds, I wrapped the linen bandage around him. Well, I struggled a lot. Messed up twice, but I finally managed. If only I could use magic, I could have done it faster. After I patched his wounds up, I pulled the cover over his body to hide it from my eyes.

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