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As the week ended, I was supposed to attend the tower of magic once again. So after waking, Emily prepared my bath while Veri came in with my breakfast. And in one hour, I managed to finish my breakfast and get out of my room completely dressed in a baby blue floor length dress made of glittery silk material with white flower embroidered on the waistline. Veri picked out a matching pearl choker and earrings which went with the blue dress and blue heels. Pulling the cloak over the dress, I was ready to head out and study till I passed out! Running down the stairs making my way to the main doors of the mansion. It wasn't like I was late, I just felt like running or else the ghost of Marquess Reamann would haunt me for wasting time.

"Are you leaving now, dear?" I stopped on my tracks as I heard the voice of the duke.

"Yes," I said as he smiled at me. A smile which was genuine and warm, not a fake one.

"Do your best, and try to get back home." he said as I smiled awkwardly.

"I w-ill t-try." I said not knowing what waits for me in the tower.

"And get back home for dinner this time instead of living on energy potions." Orion yelled from some corner of the mansion as I just sighed.

"I will try." I exhaled.

"Then I'll be leaving." I smiled at the duke who smiled back.

"Work hard."


"Morning Miss Evanora, you look beautiful like always."

"And you look cuter Miss Rebeca!" I replied cheerfully as I walked through the tower halls.

"Miss Evanora you are like the prettiest woman in the empire, yet you are so easy going."

"Life has its pros and cons, Miss Rebeca mine is probably this."

"Hahaha, Miss Evanora is perfect even with the cons. Don't you agree Sir Jack?"

"How could I not?"

"Will you be joining us for lunch?" Rebeca asked as I sulked.

"If the head magician keeps me alive, then." Rebeca and Jack mirrored my expression and everyone in the tower knew about the hell I go through everyday.

"Good luck!"

"We are cheering on you."

With sad faces, they watched me as I pushed open the marquess office door and disappeared behind the door as I walked in and closed it.

"Oh Eva! You are here." Marquess, who was going through paperwork not too long ago greeted me cheerfully. "How was your break?"

"Good, how have you been doing, Sir Zaven?" I asked.

"I am fine, I did quite a lot of state work this week," he replied.

"I hope you remember everything you learned cause I have something for you," he cheerfully said as I looked at him stress filled my heart and mind. Nothing good comes when he is cheerful. He opened a portal as something was coming out of the darkness of the portal.

"You will be fighting this today! Practicals are important!" Marquess cheerfully smiled as all the colour drained from my face. It was a large, hideous, man-like being with long dark nails. It was an ogre. And it had a giant wooden club!


"I know,"


"This is the best time for you to use what you have learned."



The sky was orange as the sun was setting. I tried to keep my footing straight after teleporting back from the tower. Completely worn out from dealing with the Orge, I managed to get back home in one piece. I was standing in front of the gates of the Esmeray dukedom. Of course from here to the mansion is a long way, and it seems like I have to go through the pain of walking all that path.

"Evanora?" I quickly turned around to the source of the voice to see elder brother Kaven standing with his knights wearing the captain's uniform. The long navy blue cape hung from his shoulder blade covering his shoulder.

"Oh! Brother Kaven. I just arrived from the tower." I said, the knights behind him bowed at me, I quickly told them to rise. Kaven nodded, the guards opened the door as me and Kaven walked inside while the knights followed us inside.

"Did you go on a patrol around the city?" I asked as we walked towards the mansion. He nodded as I nodded along with him. He stopped on his track as he told the knights to return to their quarters to get rest. I watched Kaven as I walked beside him.

"Do you want to say something?" Kaven suddenly spoke as I jumped and looked away. How dumb of me. Yet, it would be dumber to throw away this opportunity.

"I had a question. We have never been on good terms but you reacted so differently to me when I cried, so before I complicated stuff I am sorry if I bother you that day." I said.

"Well, I don't hate you so don't worry too much. At the end of the day you are my sister, so it's only natural of me to do what's my responsibility. But yes that magic you showed me that day reminded me of a memory really precious to me." Kaven said as I stared at him, interested to hear more.

"Did anyone tell you anything about my mother?" He asked as I shook my head, though I shared a name with the late duchess I didn't know anything about her in specific.

"My mother was not a noble, she was a priestess in the holy kingdom. Father met her when he attended a few matters on the king's behalf at the holy kingdom and had some business at the temple. Father fell in love right after seeing mother. After proposing to mother, she left the temple and the holy kingdom and came here. One thing about the priest and priestess in the holy kingdom, they were at least able to use a little bit of mana. Unlike you magicians, they can't freely manipulate the mana that much. It's more like they were able to do 5% of what you can do, so it's like 5% from the 100% of your ability." he said as I stared at Kaven in aw.

"When we were young, mother used to manipulate her mana and form those fireflies like light balls. Me and Orion used to stare at them for hours.Though I have no idea how much Orion remembers it, I remember it. Even father sometimes joined us and watched those light balls mother created. We used to laugh for hours as Orions chased and jumped after those light balls." Kaven said with a small smile on his face, I watched him as a smile formed on my face.

"Well, he hasn't changed much." I said as Kaven let out a hearty laugh. Never have I imagined seeing Kaven who never liked Evanora much neither in the book nor in this world, laughing with me, here right now. I guess some things change for the better.

"You have changed since I last saw you before I left for the southern borders." He said as I got a big concern if it was a good change or a bad one.

"I wish I could have met her grace," I said.

"Come and look for me after you come back from the tower tomorrow. We will go to the portrait room so I can tell you more about mother and the stupid things Orion did." Kaven chuckled as smiled brightly. 

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