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Once the cat and dog fight between me and Orion subsided, the duke and Kaven Esmeray discussed matters happening in the capital, other states and the rebels in the borders.

"Recently Count Donovan's son is causing a lot of trouble," the duke sighed.

"Even though the diamond mine issue had been solved years ago, that brat doesn't let go of it." Kaven said as he looked at his tea which was cold now. Orion called the maid who came and quickly replaced the cold tea with a new warm set.

"I also assume he also made a ridiculous request." This time Orion also joined the conversation.

"He did," the duke chuckled darkly.

I was quietly listening to the conversation about the count Donovan's, I just frowned. In Eyrith the Esmeray duchy is the richest. There was nothing the duke of Esmeray couldn't get, so what kind of request did the count Donovan's son make to put all three of the males in a bad mood.

Right, Eyrith is the state that is given to the Duke of Esmeray, while the Sluuhwell which is right beside Eyrith is given to the Duke of Adarlan. The Duke of Idanlena was given the Viksall and the Duke of Rhiannon was given Vadana which is in between Sluuhwell and Viksall. Aside from these 4 the capital city of Alastria, Azada was the largest city up until recently, when the crown prince came back to the capital with victory against the empire called Hinon, he declared the new additional territory called Hico to be under his younger brother Prince Derek. As the Crown Prince was the one who had been in the battlefield for 4 years, giving the territory to his brother, no one could go against it. That territory went under the name of Grand Duchy of Alastair, though the second prince didn't take that title yet all the affairs of Hico were dealt with by the Second Prince Derek De Conlaed Alastair.

Pushing all the thoughts about Alastria's political affairs out of my head, I turned towards the three males who were still talking about Count Donovan's son.

"What did he ask for?" I asked, catching all of their attention.

"What did Count Donovan's son ask for?" I repeated the question as I picked my cup up and took a sip of the warm tea.

"The question should be who did he ask for," Kaven started. "He asked for you."

And just like that the warm tea which I had taken a liking to, was coughed out of my mouth and spilled all over the tea table.

"WHAT!?" I stared at them who looked like they were expecting this reaction. Orion called the maid once again to get the mess I made cleaned. Why the hell were they so calm!? Why?!

"I don't think you remember, you received about 143 confessions and wedding proposals after your debutante ball." Orion who looked annoyed. "Also, some of them were even from foreign empires."

Well, fuck. I buried my face in my hands, why did I get reincarnated in this villainess body?! I knew she was pretty and well known, but not to this level. How am I supposed to live a quiet life and not die!?

"Even so, what type of scum is that asshole? That annoying son of a gun, how is he so shameless. Ah, such a piece of shit."

"I agree, he is a piece of shit." the duke said as I clasped my hands over my mouth. 'Did I say that out loud? Of course I did, you idiot.'

"Well, can't we just tell him off?" I muttered with my hands on my face, resisting the urge to pull out my hair.

"Well, we did. If he doesn't then we will cut his hands off."

A layer of silence fell on the room after the duke finished his sentence.

"Father said to cut his hands off, but honestly hanging his head in front of the gate dukedom will set a good example to others."

Another layer of silence fell on the room after Kaven finished his sentence.

"ARE ALL OF YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS!? SPILLING BLOOD IS NOT AN OPTION!!" I yelled at the three of them before Orion could come with a weird suggestion.

Right, this family has ice flowing in their veins instead of blood.


"Just break his bones and make him disable, also fabricate that as an accident." I murmured. The duke laughed and Kaven chuckled softly.

Well, I don't have blood in my veins either.

"Why am I in a family filled with psychopaths?" Orion complained.


As the three of us were about to leave the duke's office, I remembered the original reason I made to see the duke.

"Dad!" I called. The duke just looked at me and smiled. Jeez, no wonder people still simp over my dad.

"I forgot to tell you the reason I came here in the first place." I started.

"What was the reason?" the duke asked.

"I plan to finish learning magic and later move to the tower of magic!" I said putting the biggest smile on my face.

"Oh?" the duke said, tilting his head.

"It might help me recover my memories," I said.

"I see, I will make sure to send a letter to the master of the tower." the duke said.

"That's all, I will leave now." I said.

"Oh, do you want me to mention your amnesia to the head magician?" the duke asked.

Me and the duke came into an agreement about not letting many people know about the amnesia issue.

"You can let him know," I said. As I have to study there, it's better not to hide it.

"Okay then," the duke said as I walked out of the study. I closed the door behind me, as my two brothers stood on the other side. Of course the three of us knew the reason. A smirk made its way to my face as I walked towards the two males.

"Now that the door of the duke's office is closed," I spoke as I stepped in front of them. "When don't we all drop the masks, and show our true colours." 

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