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"Even though I don't remember you two well, I don't remember how you two behaved with me but it's understandable everything you said, your expressions were fake." I smirked at the two who just stared at me blankly.

"That old man is not that easy to fool, he probably saw through it already. He is the duke for a reason." I sighed.

"I think the duke already told you about trying to mend the relationship between us?" I asked. None of them moved or answered.

"I will take that as an 'yes'." I said.

"I don't care if you mend it or not as I don't remember most of it, but if you want to keep up the act, do it perfectly to make sure you don't hurt the duke." I said as I started walking away from them.

"As if you know your father better than us? What did you do in one week to get him this bewitched?" Orion yelled at me, I just laughed at him.

"If I had bewitched him, I would have bewitched you two as well before you knew it." I turned around and smirked at them again.

"The duke is probably aware that I have a reason, but he didn't say anything, isn't that what a father always does?" I said.

"He knew his sons were faking everything but he didn't say anything, it's probably how a father always is." I chuckled.

"I hope you understood what I meant." I said as I started walking down the hallway once again.

"Was she always like this?" I heard Orion mutter to which Kaven didn't answer. I sighed. 'This is so hard...'

"Okay then," the duke said. Before I could walk out of the duke's study.

"Evanora." I turned around and looked at the duke as soon as I heard my name.

"You know, sometimes when I look at this duchy I feel like everyone was living just for the sake of living, none of them lived a life filled with joy." the duke said with a sad smile.

"I believe it started since the late duchess passed away." I replied softly.

"Well, her passing away left a huge impact on the duchy. Now looking back it feels like those years somehow stopped." the duke said.

"Stopped?" I said in confusion.

"Like though years were lifeless." he rephrased it.


"But I am living again dear, I am trying to let go of her slowly and live again." the duke smiled.

"I am sure, her grace would be really happy knowing this." I stated.

"That's why this old man has a request." the duke said as I stared at him confused once again.

"Please make the people of this duchy live a life of joy instead of living a life for the sake of living." the duke said with a small smile. A request that cannot be denied, yet a request so hard to complete.

'Idiots, he saw through you the moment you two walked in his office.'


I looked up from my book and looked at the sky. The sunlight wasn't as strong as it was in the noon. It's almost evening now. I turned the page of my book while enjoying the cool breeze in the duke's garden. I placed my tea cup back on the table as I leaned on my chair.

It's been two days. Two freaking days.

And the Master of the Tower of magic hasn't sent a letter back yet. He is the one who allows gifted students into the tower, and he or his bloodline of magician hasn't turned down any gifted magician yet. Does he not wanna take me in cause I left before? I sighed.

This is not the end. I must wait for a few more days, he is a busy person. He does both his duties as a Marquess of the empire and the Head magician of the tower. I must be patient.

"Oh my god, is that lady Evanora sitting over there?"

"Are you seeing this? She is reading a book!"

But my chain of thoughts were cut short as I picked up a voice around the silent garden. Somebody was there, but the person was far away. I turned my head to see two maids standing around the pillars not much far away from me which made their voices clear to head. I turned back to the book.

"So the rumours are true. She did change."

"Did you not hear, people are saying she has amnesia."

"She used to be the disgrace of the Esmeray Dukedom! Reading books won't change anything will they."

"Now that she is suffering through amnesia, she probably won't get a nice fiance"

Gosh, she sounds so happy. Do they hate me that much?

"Shush! She might have heard you!"

I actually did hear you already.

"Honestly she has no talents except for that pretty face."

"But don't you remember, she even got letters from the neighbourhood empires after her debutante ball. She will probably get countless marriage proposals after her coming-of-age ball."

Ah! That embarrassing topic again!

"She might actually get engaged to someone, people don't actually care about amnesia"

"What if the crown prince ever proposed to lady Evanora?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Why on earth will his majesty marry such a useless lady like her? She can't be the queen!"

Of course! Don't be ridiculous! Like I will ever marry that cold-hearted bastard who is like the biggest doom flag I have as a villainess. He is the one who orders my execution! Who would ever walk into their death like that?! Do you know he is also called the 'blood crazy prince'?

My entertainment was cut short as Emily called for my attention.


"Emily?" I called, who just appeared beside me.

"There is a letter for you, milady," Emily said as she bowed, handing me the letter.

"Who is it from?" I asked as I took the letter from her.

"It's from the Marquess Reamann." she said as I looked at the letter with a beautiful blue seal in the middle with the Reamann emblem.

"Thank you Emily, you can leave." I smiled. Emily bowed once again and left. Today is indeed a really nice day. 

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