The Day of Creation.

817 15 12

English isn't my first language.
netherward→ netherwart

3rd POV:
Blue is at his mini potion maker. He gets the idea, to create a new potion. He wants to give it Yellow after, as a gift but he won't give it to him if he doesn't make sure it's safe. (Colour group and AvM are calling TSC Orange, based on his colour. If you don't know what's Hanahaki Disease, skip to the last part and then read [if you want])

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

   "Hm.. On some days, Yellow will have a birthday, I should give him a gift! But what.. Redstone? Nah, I got him that like a year ago or two. Hmm.."

Blue said to himself.

  "Oh! I get it now! I'll make him a potion! Kinda lame as a gift but... Better than the same gift over and over, no?"

He repeatedly said to himself.
He immediately went to the potion part of Alan's PC. He had a pretty happy mood thinking about it. Especially when Yellow gets happy about everything.
He took a netherward, sugar, and flowers, not classic flowers, but cherry flowers. He puts it all together.

  "Something's missing, but what?"

Blue immediately spoke to himself.

  "Oh! I know! It's missing flowers. I should add more flowers... Gosh, I'm such an intelligent!"

Blue gave an oral treatment to himself. He added more flowers to the potion for Yellow. He mixed it over and over. Till it makes the rose pink colour and the rose smell, or just a garden full of flowers. This smell is known as a... The smell of spring.

Blue was working on his potion for Yellow.

1st POV; Yellow + 3rd POV

  "Hm, what should I add to my big redstone machine? Ugh... I'll ask Green- oh wait, I can't ask him. He's spending time with Purple and Orange... Why didn't I ask him earlier? Goddamn, it! I'm so smart but yet so dumb. Maybe I could ask Blue."

Yellow was talking to himself.
He decides to look for a Blue. He notices him. He goes up to him.

   "Hey, Blue! Watcha doin’?"

Yellow asked Blue

   "Uhh- nothing! Just some potions... You know?"
Blue answered.

    "How classical of you, by the way, can I ask you to rate my new machine design? For some minutes, I swear I won't take you too long from your potions"

Yellow says to Blue with a smile.

Blue didn't hesitate a second and answered immediately.
    "Of course, I will!."
Yellow smiled at Blue's answer, but Blue added:
  "But I can't take too long, I got important things to do"

  "Oh, don't worry! We won't take too long!"

Yellow adds a happy tone, which makes Blue smile too.


Blue was giving some tips to Yellow on how to do the machine better in design.

"Thank you so much, Blue! I appreciate you leaving your work for me. You're a great friend after all!"

Yellow told Blue in a comfortable voice.

"Yeah, no... Problems!"
Blue said as his voice went a little bit down, because of his getting called by his crush a friend.

   "I have to go now"
Blue spoke to Yellow and then walked off to his potion maker part.


1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV.

  ' I'm just a friend to him after all... He wouldn't love me as a partner... Or maybe he has feelings for me and he's just hiding it from me! .. Or I'm too optimistic. '

Blue was thinking to himself, as his mood went down a little bit.

   ' Maybe... On his birthday, I can give him the potion and confess my love to him! And he might accept! He wouldn't reject me... Right? '

Blue kept thinking about Yellow's birthday. He can't get it out of his mindset.
  He went back to the potion maker. He took more flowers to add to his potion for Yellow. Of course, he added roses and a lot more cherry blossoms... Those are Yellow's top favorite flowers. That's the reason why he kept adding flowers.

After some minutes, the potion is ready. Blue takes the potion and then puts it in the fridge. To make sure it won't be too hot, but also making sure it's not too cold.
   As the minutes passed, he finally takes the potion out and...

  ' I hope Yellow will appreciate it! He's my best friend after all, even though. I crush him. Maybe I could admit my love for him. Will it be a good idea though? What if he doesn't love me back? Or even worse... What if he will hate me for it? '

Blue was overthinking about it. He didn't want to lose his best friend and a crush.

  ' I'm probably just overthinking. I hope... Maybe he feels the same way! '

Blue continued to think in his mind.

  ' I should probably taste the potion to make sure it isn't bad or disgusting. I don't want Yellow to think I don't care about him while I'm crushing him so much. '

Blue grabbed the potion, lifted the stud, and took a sip. His thoughts were still fighting though.
  'What if he will hate me?' 'What if he's straight?' 'What if he will make fun of me' 'What if he will tell the whole colour group?'

The phrase ' What if ' kept repeating in his mind. He couldn't get those words out of his head... until he drank the potion, it seems like it helped him. It wasn't on purpose but it is what it is, no?
   Blue was thinking about how that was able to happen just by a potion. Suddenly, he hears getting called by Yellow and others. He hid the potion under different potions, and as he hid it he yelled...:


He successfully hid the potion. He gets there and asks them;
    "Wassup guys!"

    "Hey, man! What are you doing? We need to go somewhere and we wanted to invite you so we hope we're not bothering you with anything"
Red said to Blue

  "No, no... I just finished! So it's alright, where are we going though? "

  "Just some shopping"
Green replied with a short answer.
  Blue smiled and said back:
   "Then I can definitely come!"

After some minutes of them getting ready... Blue doesn't feel very well.

   "Guys..? I'm not feeling the best, I might stay at ho...-"

Before Blue even finishes his sentence, he passes out, but luckily doesn't hit the hard ground, Yellow catches him. He slowly puts him on the ground, making sure he won't get more hurt than he already is.
  Green helped Yellow with carrying Blue. They put him onto a bed, with a rag on his forehead to make sure he won't get heated temperature. That won't be so funny to deal with after all...

What's Hanahaki Disease?
   It's a fictional disease where victim is throwing up flowers, they're inlove with someone and they think the person don't love them back. They can take a operation and get cured, but their love will disappear. that's the part where the victim chooses to be dead than alive with no feelings to the person - The sad ending
  The "happy" ending is where the victim is convinced to the person loves them back, which causes to get rehealed from the hanahaki disease.

Will he realise - "Blue x Yellow AvM/A" HANAHAKIWhere stories live. Discover now