The slow realisition 1/2

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1st POV; Yellow + 3rd POV
    timeline- Blue is in the house, all alone.

   ' I hope he will be safe.. being left all there, all alone.' Yellow thought.

   "Hey, Yellow, are you okay? You seem like you're thinking about some things."
Green questioned Yellow

   "Oh? oh yeah, I'm ok, I'm just thinking about Blue, we just left him all alone. What if he wakes up and will need to be carried? Like-"

  "I'm pretty sure Blue will be alright,"
Green comforted Yellow, but was he right? Or not? Who knows... Only the future does.

   "Yeah, you're right. Blue isn't dumb, he is smart enough to not hurt himself,"
Yellow replied.

Some minutes passed, and they finally made it to the shopping center. They bought vegetables and meat.
Yellow noticed netherwards and smiled:
   ' I'll take this for Blue! He will be happy, he will not have to take from his farm! I'm pretty sure he will like it '
As he thought, he did. He took it for Blue.
   As they walked... Yellow noticed something again. This time, cherry blossom flowers. Yellow is obsessed with those flowers. He took those and paid for them. The colour group looked at him and had on their faces laughter

    "You're really obsessed with cherry blossom, huh?"
Red made jokes. Yellow just blushed over embarrassment.

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

  He's in his bed, coughing. His breathing is so heavy and hard. He gets tears in his eyes. He isn't able to breathe properly. But... He is still trying.

He grabs a tissue, puts it over his mouth, and coughs. He coughs too much blood. He's even surprised HE was able to cough that manage of blood. He got little but more afraid of his health. He is extremely worried. He felt so hot. His forehead was burning.
He quickly got up from his bed, grabbed his rag, and ran into the bathroom. He "watered" the rag to get it colder for his forehead. He places it on his forehead and then he got into his bed to get more rest.
   ' Maybe, if I'll rest, I'll be okay when I wake up...'
Blue thought positively, but yet so... Trusting in it while it doesn't have to be like it.
Blue falls asleep. Luckily he doesn't feel pain while sleeping, for now. He is sleeping peacefully.


The colour group got home. Yellow quickly but quietly ran onto Blue's room. He smiled, and he got next to Blue slowly. He sat on the side of the bed. He patted Blue's head softly.
   He stood up from the bed as he noticed some tissues on the ground. He bent down and carried it as he noticed the blood on it. He was shocked to see blood on the tissues right next to Blue's bed. He was really worried about Blue now. He didn't want Blue to wake up from the sleep.

   ' He probably needs to rest, to feel better... ' Yellow believed in those thoughts.


After an entire day. Blue woke up, his headache was still bad, but he didn't feel as bad as yesterday. He got up from bed.

  "Oh, Gosh, my head hurts so much..."
Blue groaned as he rubbed his face. He started to feel a LOT worse than he woke up. He was coughing too much. He tried not to cough too much. But then he realised... It will be better if he coughs and not choke on it.
He felt a bit better than a while ago. He calmed his coughing. Only a bit though.
   He went into the kitchen and then he saw Yellow there.

  "Oh, hi Yellow, you're here?"
He asked in a tired voice

  "Of course, I am here. I won't leave you here for a day"
Yellow replied in a gentle tone.

Will he realise - "Blue x Yellow AvM/A" HANAHAKIWhere stories live. Discover now