what will he decide

373 14 19

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

Blue barely breathed in his sleep. Well, to be honest, was it really a sleep? He fainted out from the pain and exhaustion.

What a pain he has to go through just because he loves someone, it isn't fair, is it?

The pain just goes and goes..untill it kills you.

Or maybe he's able to heal from it? Or, maybe if he was thinking and went to doctors..he could find out something..but, no, he just won't.

Blue slowly opened his eyes, blurry vision, sore and painful throat, tears over the cheeks, blood on lips, on hand and on a bed.

It was a disturbing vision.

Blue just rubbed his eyes, seeing at the mess he made, once again.

Ah, poor him, right?

Whatever, he just cleaned the mess. Dizzy in his head, sick in stomach, pain in chest.

Blue had the deep coughs. It sounded so sore..and always coughed out some blood stains.

And then it happened.


Those thoughts are painful to suffer with. Why can't he get them out of his head? Why does he have those tendencies he hates? What did he do to deserve this amount of pain?

Hmm..maybe this is a punishment from his own gift he wanted to make?

Who knows..but Blue definitely didn't and doesn't know.

Blue just sat in a corner, hugging his knees..those thoughts not stopping their torture.

Blue just accepted. Put his forehead onto his knees, tears began to run down his cheeks once again. He was falling on his lowest.

No one knew.
Only him.
He suffered in silence..
..because he was afraid.

Just imagine being in his skin. Unable to ask for help, unable to love, must be sufferable, right?

Must be horrible, huh.

But, who will believe him that he's coughing flowers, petals, untill they actually see it? Would you believe if someone told you that with no proof?

Probably not..but, in his situation, this is so unfair.

But, I guess, who will help him if he won't ask?

Who helps to those people who aren't able to ask for help?

Blue was in hell-ing situation. He didn't know what to do. What to feel. His future actions.

He just was helpless and by himself.



Blue finally got little better. He cleaned his mouth once again, deciding to interact with others.

"Hey, Blue!"
× yelled out for him.

Blue looked at them, it was Purple. They went over him.

"What's up? Have you seen Green?"
Purple asked Blue with a smile. He finally has a good mood after getting 'adopted' by King Orange, huh?

"Oh..sorry, I didn't see him..do you need him for something?"
Blue just replied, little flustered because Purple was too close and let's be honest..Purple looking kinda good~

excuse me?

Um, anyway.

"Awh, shucks. I wanted to hang out with him..well, i guess, can I hang out with you?"
Purple asked Blue, still with that warm, big and cute smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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