The first Symptoms.

516 13 15

1st POV; Yellow + 3rd POV

  ' I hope he will be okay, he had never fainted like this,' he thought to himself as he was watching over Blue.

   ' I don't want to lose my best friend,' Yellow was thinking. He doesn't want to lose Blue.

Suddenly, Green ran in, with some medicine

  "This should help him, or... At least a little bit,"
Green spoke as he handed up some pills, and bandages to Yellow.

  "I hope it will help him. Could you please bring me a cold rag? This isn't as cold as before... Which could be a problem,"
Yellow asked Green, nicely.

  "Yeah, sure. I'll be right back, buddy."
Replied as he left to get a cold rag.


Green came back with the rag.
   "Here you go."

   "Thanks," Yellow stated as he took the rag, he changed Blue's old rag and put on the colder one.

As minutes passed, Blue finally wakes up.

  "Ugh... My head hurts"
Blue complained

  "Oh, you're up? That's good. You were 'sleeping' over 2 hours."
Yellow replied.

  "What even happened?"
Blue asked Yellow

  "You suddenly fainted, but don't worry, I catched you."
Yellow said.

   "Ooh, that's.. Good then! Thanks."
He spoke.

   "Don't thank me, you're my best friend,"
Yellow exclaimed this with a smile on his face.

   ' best friend? Oh, I'm only his best friend,'
Blue's mind started to think about Yellow's words and then he spoke:
   "But I would feel ungrateful if I wouldn't say it"

   "Well, then remember you don't have to, but you can"
Yellow continued to exclaim with Blue.

   "Did I... Stop you from shopping?"
Blue asked kinda ashamed of getting his 'best friend' out of the action just because of him.

    "Well yeah, but I would feel horrible if I wouldn't help you"
Yellow tried to explain it was okay.

Blue just smiled at Yellow's response.
After a while, Blue felt pain in his chest. It felt like pressure over his entire chest. But Blue tried to ignore it, unfortunately... It doesn't take long.

  "Hey..? Do we have painkillers? My chest hurts too much"
Blue pleased Yellow, nicely.

  "Hm? Oh yeah, sure. Wait here"
Yellow replied, he left Blue for a second and then came as fast as possible. He spoke to Blue:
   "I took you some water as well. So you don't have to swallow it painfully"
As he finished speaking, he smiled warmly.

Blue's reaction was a soft blush on his cheeks.
   "Thank you"
He thanked Yellow with a grateful tone. He took the pills and the water, and he swallowed the pills with the water.

  "Better now?"
Yellow asked with a warm smile.

  "Little bit yeah,"
Blue answered.

  "Tell me if something will hurt again"
Yellow announced.

Blue said back

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

After some hours, Blue felt worse than in the beginning.

' Ugh... Why do I feel like coughing my lungs off? Oh lord, this feels so bad. ' he thought to himself.
Unfortunately,  Yellow or Green wasn't nearby. None of the colour group was. Blue stood up from the bed, he walked to the kitchen to make tea for himself.
  He got into the kitchen, and he was coughing badly. He took tissues just for a case. He grabbed a cup, and a tea bag, and started to warm up the water.

After 3-4 minutes later, he took the warm water and poured out the water into a cup with the tea bag. Blue made strawberry tea with netherward. Of course, he added netherwart.... He would be really sick if he wouldn't add it. Netherward is like sugar for Blue.

  Blue took the tea and then went to his bed with the cup in his hands.
He felt more and more sick. He was coughing so badly. He put his cup of tea on a night desk next to his bed and coughed more. Well, this time he coughed blood...
  Blue was very surprised to see blood on his hands, especially from coughing. He immediately grabbed tissues and wiped his hands and lips from the blood. He was worried about his health, but will he say it to someone or keep it to himself?
He is very worried:
  ' What if it is something deadly..?'
Blue was thinking as he was getting afraid of the thought of dying. Every thought of dying made him more afraid. He wanted to live a healthy life.

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