. what will he decide . 1/?

399 11 18

Slight mention of suicide.(not from depression/sadness but hanahaki you get? I'm not romantizing suicide, suicide is a very serious thing TO NOT joke about.)
Too many times used "blood" "bleeding"
quite disgusting.

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

' I don't want to do the operation but... If Yellow doesn't love me then I have no choice.. Only the operation. Or i might cure myself while still loving him? Is that even possible- '

His thoughts were inturapted with coughing another petals. He took the petals into his hands. They were bloody, but pretty.
He stood up and got an idea.

'I can't grew petals in my lungs forever right? I should be able to cough all them out! '

He thought. Only if he knew...

' Won't that hurt me tho? I mean... it's Minecraft, I can still respawn! WAIT! '

Blue got an amazing idea.

' If i die... Then it means the Hanahaki will disappear! Right? '

He continued with his thinking. Almost sounding suicidal, but you basically can't die unless it's a hardcore, no? Which means he can't really die but can die, if you know what I mean.

' But I'll leave that as plan C tho... I'm sure i can think of other things before that, right? I am smart enough to think about anything else, right? '

Blue thought, he didn't want to risk death, he wanted to do all of ways possible. Well... a thought came into his mind very quickly.

' The lava... When I had the fire resistance, it burnt only the petals in my lungs. Which means I can repeat the process unlimitedly, right? '

Well, this thoughts had some point... But, do they work?
Do they?
Or do not?

But his thoughts didn't last for so long, he felt the petals in lungs growing fast.
He panicked but tried to calm himself down. He coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed
coughed coughed.

It hurt his lungs.
He coughed blood with petals. He made a mess on his desk, whatever, he will clean it later.
He had to clean it now before anyone tried to peek into his little witch house.
He got up, took tissues, wet tissues too. He put gloves, took the bloody petals with gloves.
He threw them into a bin. The coughed blood was on the desk. He washed it with the wet tissue and then with the dry one. He made sure not to leave a single one stain.

It was shining. He felt more petals. But didn't cough them out... These petals felt rougher than the normal ones. How? And why?

He just felt them in his throat, unable to cough them out. It hurt him. But he didn't whin in pain. He just suffered with the pain in his throat in complete silence.
it hurt.
it hurts.
it's hurting.
it'll hurt.
it'll be hurting

He felt miserable so much. He just wanted to get the petals away forever, but no much how hard he tried, they grew back, three times harder and rougher.
Even spikes started to grew out from thede petals. How is that possible? I don't know either. But it scretched his throat. It felt like rough knives were scretching his inside of neck. It was really painful.
He held back tears in eyes, coughs, blood, petals, inside of his throat.
He heard some knocks.

knock knock knock

Hm, who could it be?

He didn't answer since he felt like he is about fo get a breakdown... He stayed quiet. Didn't let out a single noise. Didn't move at all... and even didn't breathe at all.

Oh it was-

"Blue? You in there?"
Yellow asked.

Blue blushed and didn't respond. He didn't want to Yellow see him like that. Just imagine seeing your own best friend in that state... wouldn't you feel horrible?
He ignored Yellow. He sat down his bed and got quiet.

"Hello?.. Blue?"
Yellow knocked again. He was about to open-

-but he felt like something bad is going to happen if he did so. He was hesitanting. He thought about Blue sleeping. So he just left.

When Blue knew Yello left he started to cough. He wasn't able to hold it anymore.
Blood. Petals. Tears.
Blood. Petals. Tears.
Blood. Petals. Tears.
Blood. Petals. Tears.

He couldn't feel better. He didn't even feel better after coughing it. He didn't even bother to clean it. He just lay down to his bed. He felt the petals again. He had to think about rolusiont or it'll end up badly. And hurtful too...

The colour groups DIDN'T WANT to lose their friend and Blue didn't want to lose them.

So he just thought about rolusionts... He started crying but that was a mistake.
He started to choke on own tears. He coughed too.

He sobbed, hyperventilated. Slowly leaded to fainting.

He fainted. He fell unconscious.

He woke up. His entire pillow in blood, swallowed petals, and tears. He felt blood in his mouth and on lips. He took tissues and brushed it off. He got up and washed his mouth.

He breathed deeply to calm down since he had red eye-bangs. He looked into mirror

"Holy-.. I look horribly..."

He muttered under his onw breath. He took a towel and rubbed his head into it.

He started coughing again.. into sink.

He rubbed his eyes and tears. He cleaned it off.

He felt in his throat a .. petal wire. He realised it's stuck to he coughed. Tried to cough it off.

He started to panic. He couldn't cough it off from his throat. He felt blood bleeding inside.

He couldn't swallow. Even his salivas weren't able to.

Hello! It's me, I'm really sorry for late update. School is rough and mental health too, so I really hope you can understand! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Does anyone have any requests for fanfics or ideas for this story? if yes then you may ask! I could use it :).
Have a nice day! <3

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