The slow realisition 2/2

494 11 21

A bit dramatic.

1st POV; Blue + 3rd POV

' This potion couldn't be the reason why I am coughing blood. My potions never hurt anyone. But just for a case... I won't give it to Yellow. Just for a case..."
   Blue thought to himself. He believed in “This potion is not the reason” but not fully. He would never forgive himself if he did the same thing to Yellow. He loves him so much. That's the reason why he's making sure not to hurt Yellow.

Yellow screamed to get attention from others. His voice was quite loud.
   Blue immediately went to the kitchen where the dinner was supposed to be.

"Hey Yellow! What did you cook?"
Blue asked Yellow with a friendly and kind smile.

"Classical food! Rice with meat, soup, sushi, and fish!
You can take anything, I'm working on desserts."
Yellow replied.

"Oh, alright!"
He smiled and took sushi.
  What did Blue do as he took sushi?
Of course, he added netherwarts. It wouldn't be Blue if he didn't do that.

Time passed

"You cook so well!"
Blue praised Yellow.

"Thanks! Teaching from the master of cooking!"
Yellow replied the phrase he said was referring to Blue and his food.
"Do you want a dessert?"

"Nah, I'm full"
Blue said he was blushing a bit.


Blue went back to his little "witch" house.
He took the potion and put it into a glass pot. He was scanning the potion with his eyes.
'Hmm... What is so special about you, why am I coughing blood just because of you?'
Blue thought to himself.
'Or I am just sick... I'll heal myself with the potions, so I won't cough the blood anymore.'
He continued to think.

He sat down sharply.  His vision went black for 3 seconds and felt a little bit dizzy.

'Oh lord, my head...'
Blue thought as he whined quietly from the pain in his head.
He was revieled when he saw better again.


After some hours of what had passed, Blue felt worse and worse with each minute. He was coughing badly and a little bit of blood either.
Blue decided to take some painkillers to take off the horrible pain in his head and chest. He went into the kitchen, grabbed a medical box and took painkillers as Yellow got into the kitchen too.

"Huh? Blue? Why are you taking painkillers? Are you alright? Do you need help with something?"
Yellow asked in a caring voice.

Which made Blue blush. He shaked his head to get off the blush. He gulped and then said,
  "I'm alright! My head... Just hurts badly. That's all."
Blue just said the head hurting and not the coughing blood. He didn't want to make Yellow so worried about him.
So he decided to take a lie.
Is it a mistake or not..?

Yellow still had a worried look on his face.
"Are you sure?"


"Alright.. I'll believe you, for now"
Yellow said as he continued to have a worried expression and a caring voice.

Blue said back nervously as he sighed from revealed. He took the painkillers and consumed the pills. He drank it along with tea what Yellow made him.
"Thanks for the tea, Yellow"
Blue said to him with a soft smile, being grateful

"Hey, don't thank, you're sick and I would feel bad if I wouldn't help my best friend"
Yellow replied with a soft smile.

"Yeah... But I'll feel ungrateful if I wouldn't haha"

Will he realise - "Blue x Yellow AvM/A" HANAHAKIWhere stories live. Discover now