Chapter Twenty Seven

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Here it is a new chapter! It's kinda sketchy, I'm sorry. I'm sorta having some writers block, kinda why I gave up on this story originally. I went back an edited a few chapters, which I'm going to do to some others, I don't really like some of them, I apologize for doing this, because some of you are so amazing with giving me comments saying you love it. I don't want to go back and change a lot because you like it! Okay enough jibber jabber, here's chapter twenty seven sorry it's short! Hope you like it please comment and let me know! Xx


-Chapter 27-

*Damons pov*

It's been six months since I had last seen her. Six horrible, painful months. I had been searching for her. I haven't had a lead in weeks. I was broken, completely and utterly broken. Anna was gone, Klaus had taken her from me, taken my life, my whole world. I wanted nothing more than to she her again, I had just gotten her back and then she was ripped from me.

I don't know why she hasn't tried to come back to me. I thought she would have struggled, at least would have tried to fight against Klaus. But she hasn't come back to me. And I've been waiting for six months.

"Are you ever going to leave that seat?" A familiar voice rang next to me.

"Nope." I shook my head and downing my eighth drink.

"I think I found something Damon." My brother said sitting down next to me as he slid a vanilla colored folder in front of me.

I set my glass down and picked up the packet, my finger pulling the pages open.

"This girl was spotted in Ireland yesterday." He said pointing to the pictures.

I stared at the picture carefully, my eyes taking in every detail. The girl in the picture was no doubt Anna, I could tell instantly. She had died her hair, adding bright red highlights to it, she had contacts in, her eyes now a piercing, vibrant blue. She looked different, like a different person. My heart ached at the photos, I wanted her back, more than anything.

"Let's go." I muttered closing the folder and sliding off my stool.

*Anna's pov*

Klaus forced me to turn my motions off. I turned it off. It all off. I didn't think it was possible, but it was.

I didn't feel anything, I had no emotions. I didn't care anymore. At least that's what I thought.

"Coming love?" The familiar British accent questioned.

"Yeah," I replied grabbing my iPhone off the counter.

"Ya know I think I like you better with an Irish accent?" Klaus smiled as he pulled the door open for me.

"Ya know I think I liked you better when you hadn't killed me, and turned me into a hybrid," I replied coldly, exiting the flat.

"Ooh some ones in a picky mood." He chuckled following after me.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed down the street to the parking lot. I walked swiftly, my eyes glued to the pavement, every step I took I counted, I had been doing that a lot. Counting, counting steps, days, hours, months.

It had been six months, four days, and eight hours since I had seen Damon. The man I loved.

Klaus forced me to flip, I had killed a whole town that night. I remember it vividly, the pleasure of making that kill. But soon after I had felt guilty, and that's when Klaus told me to flip the switch. He told me turn everything off, to forget about everything I had cared for, to forget about my loved for Damon.

Klaus wanted me to help him find new packs so he could make more hybrids. He wanted more, hundreds of hybrids he could control. And I was his main girl, his favorite, his lap dog forced to follow him around and do what he demands.

I had counted twenty steps when two feet appeared in front of me. I looked up in irritation, my eyes roaming the person in front of me.

"Hello, Anna." The man said.

"Damon." I gasped.

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