Chpater 7-Being A Pierce

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Hey hey! Guess what I'm not busy tonight so you get another chapter!!! Well don't you feel special? I bet you doo! :P pleaseee comment!!

So here it is....

Chapther 7 XD (Your almost to the super amazing exciting part!)

"Girls wear this kind of things?" I asked looking at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing what Damon called shorts and a purple shirt that showed cleavage.

"Yeah." He said through the door.

"I look ugly!" I said sitting down on the bench.

"I doubt that! Come on open the door and let me see!" He said shaking the door handle.


"Don't make me come in there." he said shaking the door handle even harder.

"I'm not coming out." I laughed.

"Okay, I'm coming in then." He laughed breaking the lock.

I turned around so he couldn't see me, and wrapped my arms around myself so he couldn't see what I looked like. He pulled on my arm trying to get me to show him but I pulled against him. I ran out of the cubical and into a different one. He followed after me, but I ran faster. I was behind him and he looked around, I jumped on his back pushing him to the floor. He grunted but then pushed me off and ran away. I looked around and listened. He slammed into me flipping me around so I fell on my back. He fell onto of me and we both groaned.

"Owwwww!" I groaned rubbing the back of my head. "That hurt!"

"You look beautiful." He said looking me up and down.

"No I don't." I said covering my face with my hands.

"Yes you do." He said quietly taking my hands in his.

I stared at him reading into his eyes.

He leaned in closer to my face so our faces were just barley touching.

"Damo--" I tried saying before his lips were on mine kissing me fiercely. I realized at that moment how much I had missed, how much I craved his kiss. I twisted my hands around his neck pulling my fingers through his hair. His hands were on my waist, his thumbs rubbing my bare skin gently. I cant be doing this, he hurt me. I pulled apart turning head to the side.

"What?" He asked looking at me weirdly.

"I can't do this." I said softly.

"Why not?"

"Because, Damon, last time I saw you, you were asleep in Katherine's bed. Until I figure things out we can't do this." I said looking into his eyes.

He gave me a sad look.

"Okay." He said quietly getting off of me and standing up. He held out a hand to me and I slowly grabbed it. I took ahold of it and pulled so he fell to the ground, I launched myself up so he wouldn't fall on top me.

"What was that for!" He yelled.

"For catching me." I said walking back into the other cubical.


"Did I really need this?" I said flinging the thong Damon made me buy at his head.

"Yes." He said smirking.

"Hey, am I ok to stay here?" I asked trying the word Damon said most people used today.

"Yeah, let's go find you a room you like." He said pointing towards the stairs.

I followed him up the stairs towards a hallway with a bunch of doors.

"Pick a door, any door, except that one and that one." He said pointing towards 2 doors.

"That one." I said pointing to a door that was next to the one that he pointed to first.

"Oh great, the one next to mine!" He said jokingly.

"Okay, I'll go grab my bags." I said turning on my heal to head down the stairs.

Sooo that's it... Sorry I'll try and update again this week! BTW I LOVE YOU LEXC WINQUEST!!!! :P

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