Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hey guys sorry for the wait, I've been really busy and I'm still so incredibly busy. I wanted to get something to you and this is it, it's short, I'm sorry I just really haven't had time to write. I'm actually in class updating, I'm sorry I will try to get something to you ASAP.

Thanks for reading :)

Chapter 29

dedication to damonsalvatore1467 :)

-Anna's pov-

"You compelled me, didn't you?" I questioned Klaus once we had gotten in his car.

"It was for your own benefit love." He shook his head.

I glared at him angrily, he must have compelled me to forget so I wouldn't try to fight it.

"What was he talking about?" I questioned. "About you killing my family, not Elijah."

He stared blankly at the road, his jaw was clinched tight.

"Tell me Klaus." I spat viciously.

He sighed deeply and pulled the car over to the side of the road. I glared at him until he put the car in park and turned to face me.

"Once I had met Katrina and found out she was the doppelgänger, I wanted her to make hybrids. She had ran from me, and I needed her back. So I went after your family, but Elijah had gotten there first. I had ordered him to slaughter your family because I knew that was the one thing that would drive Katrina mad. I hadn't expected Elijah to turn you, but after he did I was grateful. You had both werewolf and Pierce blood in your system. Even though Katrina is a Patrolva you still have part of her genes. I knew you could be helpful in lifting the curse." He said.

"So you knew all that fucking time that you were going to use me?" I spat.

"Yes and no." He said. "I let things play out, once they had gotten you out of the tomb I knew I could make my move."

I scoffed loudly and crossed my arms on my chest.

I couldn't believe this entire time, he knew he was going to turn me into a hybrid.

"Oh come on, don't be like that, I did it for good! You're a hybrid, you're feared by many, that power you have, no one else can have. You were my first hybrid, that should be a privilege." He said.

I sat there for a few moments not knowing what to say. I couldn't think of a snotty comeback like I used to be able to.

"I'll make you a deal." Klaus said breaking the silence.

"What kind of deal?" I questioned making eye contact with him.

"Once you help me find at least two hundred werewolves, that I can use to make new hybrids, I'll set you free." He said.

I starred at him cautiously not trusting his words. There was no way I was going to break his compulsion, I had to take this opportunity to get out of this.

"You swear on Elena's life you will?" I questioned.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Deal." I said sticking out hand.

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