Chapter 11-Being A Pierce

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ooooooohhhhhh this is an exciting one!! XD *laughs evily* lol

(Chapter 11)

*2 days later*

*Anna’s POV*

"You sure about this?" Stefan asked.

"Absolutely." I said opening the car door and stepping out.

Stefan got out as well and I followed him into the building. When I walked into the hallway all eyes were on me. I had guys whispering how they were going to tap that first which I'm taking going to get me in bed first. All the girls gave me death glare and went back to doing what they were doing. Stefan walked me to the office.

"Oh yes Annabell Pierce here is your schedule and your locker combination, Stefan do you mind showing her around?" She asked handing me the papers.

"Yeah sure come on Anna." He said.

I followed him out the office and the eyes were still on me. Stefan showed my locker and how to open it.

"Anna! Hey!" Jeremy said opening the locker next to mine.

"Well I'll see you later Anna if you need help just text me k?" Stefan said walking away.

"Okay!" I yelled at him. "Hey Jeremy. This your locker?" I asked.

"Yep." he said pulling books out of his locker. "I'm glad you’re here, hey what's your schedule?" he asked.

I handed him the paper and he looked over it.

"Sweet! We have home room together!" He said handing me back the paper. "And we have 4 other classes together."

"Thank god I'll know somebody!" I laughed.

There was a noise that hurt my vampire sensitive ears.

"Oh time for class." He laughed at my face. He took my hand and he pulled me towards an open door that teenagers were piling through.

"Hey Mr. Saltzman, got a new student." He said pulling me through the door.

"Ah yes, Annabell?" He asked.

"Anna." I said handing him some paper that said to hand into my homeroom teacher.

"My apologize." He said handing me a book that said Mystical Falls history.

"Take a seat where ever you'd like." He said turning his back to us.

"You can sit next to me." Jeremy said.

We walked to the back and sat down in two desks and class began.


I walked through the streets enjoying the fresh air.

I walked past the Gilbert's house and Elena walked out but her hair was curly and she had on different clothes on.

"Hey Elena!" I yelled waving.

She gave me a weird look but then she waved back.

"Hi Annabell." she said running up to me with vampire speed.

"Katherine?" I asked scared.

"Hey sweetie." she said before stabbing me with a needle filled with vervain, and I blackened out.


duhhhhnnnn duhhhhnnn DUNNN!! CLIFF HANGER!!! :O
Bet you hate me for this.... Oh well ill upload soon I PROMISEE!!!


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