Chapter 2-Being A Pierce

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Chapter 2


I crept around alongside the house focusing on the people in the front. I was following the woman in the carriage, I had been following her for two years now. I had finally found her after searching for years to find her. I had things I needed to sort out.

"Mr. Salvatore it's so kind of you to take us in." Katherine said to the older gentleman.

"Ohh Mrs. Pierce, it's no problem at all we are quite delighted to have you as or guest." He said continuing towards the house. I walked around to the front of the house and walked to the door and knocked. A woman who was obviously a maid opened it flashing me a smile.

"May I help you dearie?" She asked.

"Invite me in." I said compelling her.

"Come in." She said moving so I could walk in.

"Thank you." I said walking in to the house, picking my feet up so they wouldn't make a sound.

"Excuse me, where is the maid's quarters?" I asked.

"In the back, go down that hall way and turn to your right." She said smiling.

"Thank you." I said before taking off down the hall way so I wouldn't be noticed.

I opened the door and walked right in. I looked in the trunks for a dress that looked like it would fit me. I finally found one and put it on. I put my hair in a bun and pulled on the cap, pulling it down so it covered my eyes. I put the apron on and tied it into a bow. When I heard footsteps coming down the hallway so I dashed to the side of the door and stopped breathing. An older woman came in and looked around the room. I dashed in back of her and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream. She struggled a little before I kicked her knee forwards. She screamed out in pain but it wasn't loud because it was muffled by my hand. I went around her so I was facing her face, I held on to her by her arm pit so she wouldn't fall.

"I'm your niece, Isabella, you fell and broke you're knee, so I'm going to help you out till it heals. You're going to tell Mr. Salvatore that he does not need to pay me, and that he can take half of your pay away for your clumsy-ness." I said compelling her.

I let go of her mouth, and wiped my hand on my apron.

"Okay." She said looking into my eyes.

"I will go get you some crutches, if any one comes in you will tell them that you fell and that you are having someone to get me and that I will be here shortly." I said compelling her once more.

"I will." She agreed.

I set her on a trunk and walked out the door. I took off down the hallway and ran out the house.


It only took me 30 minutes to find crutches and to get back to the house.

I knocked on the door and lady from before answered it.

"Hi I'm Isabella, I'm here for my Aunt she's the one with the broken knee." I said flashing her a smile.

"Oh yes, come on in dearie." She said taking a step back allowing me to enter.

"Thank you." I said flashing her another smile.

"Oh it's no problem at all." She said closing the door.

"I'll take you to her."

"Okay thanks."

We walked down the hallway but was stopped by Mr. Salvatore.

"Hello Bertha, who is this?" He asked looking over at me.

"This is Heather's niece, Isabella." She said.

"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you Isabella, I'm Mr. Salvatore." He said extending his hand towards me.

I took his hand in mine and shook it. His hand was warm, a feeling I wish I could feel in my own body.

"Nice to meet you." I replied kindly.

"Well, I must go but if you need anything just ask Bertha here, and she'll get you it."

"Thank you Mr. Salvatore."

We walked into the room and I handed the crutches to Heather.

"Thank you Isabella." She said smiling at me.

"You're welcome." I faked a smile.

"Bertha would you mind showing Isabella what she will be doing for the next couple of weeks?" Heather asked.

"Sure!" She said. "Right this way."

I followed her through the doors and we walked up the stairs. I kept my head down in case there was to be any one lurking around.

"Every day you will make the beds on this floor, you will make them after every one is down stairs from breakfast. You will replace the old towels with new ones, and all of the toiletries. And once that's done you will go outside and water the plants, and when that's done you'll just help out with anything that needs to get done. Okay?" She explained.


"Well would you like to meet the Salvatore boys?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said flashing her a smile.

"Okay, well Damon's room is this one and Stefan's is down there. And Mrs. Pierce's is down there as well." She said pointing to each door. "You don't have to help Katherine unless she asks for it she has a hand maid."

"Okay." I nodded,

"So let's go see where those boys could be."

"Don't worry I'll find them." I said compelling her. I loved compulsion, it cam I'm handy when you didn't feel like arguing with people.

"Okay." She said turning around on her heel and walking down the hall.

I walked down the stairs and looked around, I listened closely for noise, there are two boys outside. I opened the door and untied my cap. I walked towards the two boys, pulling the cap off.

"Hi Stefan, Hi Damon." I said in a cheerful voice.

"Umm hi?" They said in unison. "Do we know you?"

"I don't know do you want to know me?" I asked playfully.

"Sure?" The older one said.

"What's your name?" I said pointing at him.

"Damon." He said looking me up and down.

"Well Damon you are a very handsome man." I said purring a little.

"So that means you are Stefan." I said pointing at the younger one.

"Yes." He said dryly.

"You are quite handsome as well." I said looking at his beautiful eyes.

"Thanks, so what is your name?" He asked rather coldly.

"An-- I mean Isabella." I said quickly trying to cover up my mistake.

"So Isabella why are you in a maids outfit?" Damon asked.

"Why aren't you?" I said teasingly.

"Mmhhmmm you're a funny girl, I like that." He said nodding his finger at me.

"Are you related to Katherine?" Stefan asked me out of the blue.

"No." I said quickly. "I'm here helping my Aunt Heather."

"Oh I didn't know Heather had a niece." Stefan said.

"Damon, Stefan!" Katherine yelled. They both looked over at her and I quickly began walking towards the back of the house pulling my cap back on. I couldn't risk her noticing me, not now.

"Who was that?" She asked them.

"Isabella, Heathers niece." Stefan told her.

"Oh, so what are boys up to?" I heard before I zoned them out and caught my breath again.

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