Chapter 8

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"Hey cousin." Kendal greeted waving at Kal.

"What? No hug?" He asked with mock hurt on his face.

"No Kal, you're all sweaty and sticky." She told him as a matter of fact.

"Sure." He said to his cousin before turning to me. "Hey Angel...Orla. Hey, Orla." He repeated quite nervously.

"Hi." I replied.

"Uh, sorry. I'm Kal, the one who texts you?" He explained as if realizing a mistake on his part.

"Uhh, yeah. I know that."

"What do you think of my requests? Ready to be friends yet and go down to Cafe strange brew with me?" He has a charming smile on as he looked at me.

"Actually, no." His smile dropped. "Kendal and I are here cause your mansion is locked, plus we have all day planned." I said bluntly. The light in his eyes dimming.

Kendal suddenly pulled me away. "What is it?" I asked and she locked back at Kal.

"I think I have a way to get him off your back." My interest piqued again.

"Really?" I glanced at the said boy. He was busy pushing his wet hair away from his face.

"Yeah, give him a condition, that always work." She told me and I ran my hand though my hair.

"Okay? Tell me." She beamed.

"You see, Kal is tired now so. Tell him to if he wants to be your friend so badly, he should make the basket from the middle of the court and if he doesn't make it...."

"...He should stop bothering me." I completed for Kendal and we both shred a high five before going back to her cousin.

He looked up at us with a perfect eyebrow arched questioningly, obviously questioning our goofy smiles. I cleared my throat before putting on a fake poker face. "Okay, so I decided I'll be friends with you and go to Cafe strange with you..."

His smile back and he interrupted... "Really?"

"If..." I cut back in, stressing the 'if' causing him to return back to normal. "If you can make the basket from the middle of the court." I finished and his handsome face now held a small frown.

"Now?" He asked.

"Yes, Now." I replied him. He looked to Kendal then back at me then to the court and back at me, then to the court.

His head gave a very small nod before he looked back at me. "Fine." He replied before going down to the court and requesting for a ball.

Kendal now burst out laughing seriously while Kal sent dagger glares her way. I would laugh too but, he looked very determined. He bounced the ball a couple times staring at the basket then it all went in slow motion as he jumped in the air and tossed the ball.

I heard Kendal's laugh die, down. The ball met the ring of the basket then it went round and round, everything seemed to cease before the wind blew past me, like a gentle caress, then the ball went in the basket.

I'm sure Kendal's jaw hit the floor while I couldn't phantom what had just happened. He made the basket so he is officially my friend now. I didn't want this to happen but it has.

His smile could as well be much more brighter than the sun right now and his blue eyes seemed very elecetrified. He jogged back to us.

"So, I made the basket and you owe me a date." He told us. Finally, Kendal picked up her jaw from the ground.

"No! You weren't supposed to make it."

"You're my cousin, you should support me on this. You know how much 'this' means me." He told her in a knowing tone. They even shared a look. Okay, so I'm totally a third wheel right now.

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