Chapter 6

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The pasta was amazing. Even Lew thought so. Kendal didn't want to go back home yet so she, Lew and I are binge watching K.C undercover. Though Lewis wanted it to be just us, he learned to accommodate Kendal which he's never done with Bridget and Claudia.

I'm sat beside Lew, with my head on his lap, his hand in my hair, brushing it out occasionally. Kendal is on the floor, laid on the rug with pillows under her head. I noticed Kendal fall asleep a while and I was also falling asleep too.

"Lew?" I called.

"Hmmm?" He responded.

"When is Lexi coming home?" I asked and he sighed.

"Soon? I'm not sure yet but she'd call when she's coming." I sighed nodding the falling asleep too. I miss Alfie and Lexi.

Kendal later left late at night as she's staying with Kal so not from my house. The next day, Lew and I went to church and at noon, we were back home so were all our house helps.

We ate back pudding and rice porridge. Then Lew took me out as we do every Sunday. I enjoyed myself but I dreaded Monday.

A lot was on my plate, Cyril, Claudia, Kal, even Bridget. The whole drama was going to unfold, I could feel it. And my gut feelings are correct, I got ready for school, I also remembered that I skipped school on Friday, 'Ugh'. I later let all my worries fall.

So I enjoyed Sunday with Lew and texted Kendal. I'm surprised Claudia, Bridget even Cyril didn't send me a text to see if I was okay or not. At Sunday night, I told Lew I was scared to go back to school but he gave me a prep that I had to face them to get it over with.

I'm now in front of the school doors, dreading what waited behind them. I took in a breath them pushed them open. I was confident in my blue gown that hugged my torso and went 'A' shape down my knee and my hood jacket. I wore a white sneaker that I did not know I had but it's cute. I let my hair stay down. I noticed they were already growing cause the tips were starting to curl again.

I walked slowly towards my locker and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"She's really hot." I heard a guy say.

"I'm sure she's just a wanna be." I heard another person say.

"She just wants attention."

"Is she new?"

"I wonder why I never noticed her, she's cute." And more comments of such.

I hastened my walk to my locker and tuned them all out. That was depressing. I went to my class and Cyril was there too. I was about to look away when he met my eyes.


I pretended not to see him so I walked to a desk far back. I took out my tools for school, them I saw ripped geans in front of my desk and I looked up.

'It's Cyril alright'.

He had a plaster on his nose and his cheek still looked purple, his eyes was still quite swollen too. In general, he was bruised.

"Hey." I said and his expression remained stoic.

"I need explanations Orla. l'm very much confused." He said taking his seat on my desk.

"What sort of explanations." I asked with a frown.

"Everything. One minute you flash the green night and the other minute you go totally red. Last week when we here together, as friends, I thought you liked me. Infact, I knew you liked me. It was clear in your eyes but for some reason you kept your self at bay so I decided to make the move but you then told me I shouldn't like you. Why?"

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