Chapter 28

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I watched as my hair fell on each sides of my face, my back is to the mirror and I’m trying to keep reading my magazine. Our company made it there and I’m on it too.

I got a call from Lew a bit after. "Hey Lew."

"I’m home." He chirped.

"Already? You still have two weeks to go."

"I know, I just really wanted to see you. I need to tell you something and it’s very important." He said and the tone and edge in his voice got me worried.

"On a scale of one to twenty, how important?"

"A thirty." He replied without pausing. Goodness, it is important.

"Okay, I’ll be home in an hours time."

"Good." He replied and I could hear the nervousness in them.

"Kendal?" I called to her from my stiff position.

"Hmm." She replied from her sit.

"Lewis is home and he has something really important to tell me so I have to leave soon."

"Okay, just be very careful."

"Yeah, sure." I replied and once my hair was in it’s short length, I took my leave I can always bleach the tips later.

Getting home, I went and hugged Lew. "Lew, hey. Am I to worry?" I rushed at him.

"Let’s go to the garden." Was his reply so we left to the garden.

"What is it Lew? You look worried."

"It’s because I am. I know for sure you will hate me after this." He assured.

"What is it?" I demanded.

"I want you to listen carefully and good….I’m the reason Kal broke up with you." Did I just hear correctly?

"What?" I could not help but ask.

"Orla, after you got out of detention two years ago, I went to see Kal, the time I told you to leave with Alfie." I do remember clearly, that was the day Kal told me loved me. How could I forget? "I didn’t want Kal to take you away from me, I didn’t want anyone to take you from me and as a brother, Kal understood. He knew how it felt so he did me the favour of leaving you. He might have told some lies to break your heart but it was all my fault. My fears and insecurity caused all of it and I’m so sorry."

You know that moment where you’re in a dilemma, double dilemma even, that's what is happening now. 'Should I believe him or not?' 'Should I cry because he broke my heart or I trusted him'.

Tears ran down my face as I looked at the lawn below me. "It’s been two years Lewis, why now?" I asked. "That's if all this is true." I added then he sighed.

"You were and are broken. You refused to move on. He was everything to you, I realized. Kal didn’t let go easily we exchanged words and he told me how much he loved you and would never break you in such a way. I challenged him that if he truly loved you he should leave….he did, he accepted the challenge."

"God, Lewis." I cried crumbling to the ground. Kendal was right, it is all a lie.

"I’m so sorry, Orla. The guilt ate at me all this while. I realized you were happier with Kal, brighter and more of you but since he left…you’ve just been…pretending. So, I rectified my mistake. I talked to kal to come back I’m in total support of you guys together."

"So why isn’t he back?" Even though I was shaking in tears I was still able to hold my voice.

Lewis looked to me. "I don’t know, I really don’t. All I know is that I’m a very horrible brother and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but please Orla, forgive me." He begged.

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