Chapter 9

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House walked with his usual cane in hand towards (Y/n)'s desk. "I don't care if you take in some dog. If it starts affecting your work I will kick you from my team." He said bluntly noticing his usually on time subordinate was late today. "Being late one time doesn't mean anything and I have never let it affect my work and I'm not about to start now." She refuted. The ever grumpy man let out a hmm and walked away to see if Wilson was around to bother.

"Oof" Chase said rolling over in his chair. "Wonder what crawled up his ass and died today" He continued.

"It could be the debilitating pain from his leg." (Y/n) replied.

"He's definitely fucking with you. We all know you're the golden child." Foreman added in. She rolled her (e/c) eyes. "Yeah right."

"(Y/n) I was wondering if I could have your opinion with a case." Alyson asked as she walked into the room. (Y/n) rolled her eyes before turning to face the woman. "Male, 35, 5 feet 8 inches, 160lbs presenting with tightness in the chest, occasionally coughing up blood, and a horrible cough." She said hoping that her colleague would have an answer.

"Refer him to Wilson. He probably has lung cancer from smoking." (Y/n) replied. Alyson put in "But he says he doesn't smoke." This was met with another eye roll. (Y/n) said "What is Houses number one rule?" as if on cue Chase, Foreman, and (Y/n) said in unison "Everybody lies"

"But he swears.." Alyson tried to say but was cut off by Chase "Everybody lies. Did he come in with a significant other?" He said. She nodded. "Then there's your answer. His partner doesn't accept the smoking so he does in private." Foreman said not looking up from his paperwork in his hands. "Your patient is keeping a secret. Since His partner was in the room he denied smoking. Refer him to Wilson before he dies." (Y/n) finished turning back to her desk. She really had no time for Alyson today since she had two injured men at her house that are idiots when left alone for too long on their own.

"So what the fuck are you lying about (Y/n)?" Alyson halfway whispered as she turned to leave the room. "How the hell did you ever date her Chase?" (Y/n) said lifting her gaze to her Australian friend. He only answered with a shrug. A few moments later her phone rang. It was Billy calling. You picked up the phone hoping that he hadn't ripped his stitches out. "What do you want?" "What a warm welcome. I was wondering where the pizza from last night is. I'm hungry" Billy's voice came from the other side. "It's in the fridge in the garage. Don't you dare stand up. Send the other one to get it." You said in a low tone before hanging up hoping no one had overheard. Of course that was too much to ask for.

"Who was that?" Chase's voice rang from behind her. She jumped at his sudden voice. Of course it would be chase to try and eavesdrop. "No one just a friend that got hurt. I told them not to walk for a while." Chase had a confused look on his face. "Friend? Since when do you have a friend?" He said. "Oh haha" she said before leaving the room to check on her patients.

After nine hours of work she headed off to her car. As she sat in the drivers seat she saw the breaking news alert on her phone. 'New Ghostface Copycat believed to be active. His signature seems to be photography.' Over the years a few people had tried to be Ghostface killers. The majority of them failed, ending in them being killed. 'I swear if that one shows up at my house' She thought. Her once calm and quiet home had seemed to grow crowded. For some reason Stu hadn't left since he found Billy. He wasn't injured enough that he needed to stay like Billy. At this point you thought of kicking the second Ghostface out. Maybe that would be too harsh. Besides, it helped keep Billy from ripping his stitches doing stupid things since Stu could fetch for him, kind of like a live-in maid. 

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