Chapter 10

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A/N Oh my god this fic is back from the dead! Happy new year!

"We are out of milk and bread!" Stu yelled as the doctor walked in through the front door. "First of all I'm out of milk and bread, it is still my house. Secondly, you have legs that work. You can go buy some." (Y/n) said back to the killer. Stu stuck out his bottom lip and pulled out the puppy dog eyes "But I am injured..." He replied as if he had just been kicked. Sighing, she looked at the man "Keep the brace on that I gave you and you'll be fine." Stu whined at the good doctor's words which only earned him a threat. "I could give you a much worse injury if you want to whine as if you're dying." She said, making him go quiet. "You're mean" Is all he said as he left the house.

"(Y/n) are you home? I uh need some help." Billy called from the other room. Worry boiled up in her stomach, the injured man never asked for help. Had something horrible happened? She hurried to the guest room where he resided. There on the floor was Billy holding where his stitches were. He was propped up against the bed.

"Holy shit! What did you do?" She scolded while rushing over to him. Billy looked up at the doctor "How do you know I did it?" He shot back, which in turn earned him a knowing glare. "Okay, fine, I'm dying of boredom!" He exclaimed "I wanted out of this damn room." The killer sighed looking down at his lap. The doctor understood his frustration and so decided to not scold him any further. She helped him up off the ground and set him back in the bed. (Y/n) checked the stitches to make sure that none had torn, surprisingly they were intact. After cleaning and re-bandaging the wounded area you decided to quietly place the I.V back in his arm. He had managed to tear it out in his fall. Billy watched her worked, he loved watching her work her magic. He shifted uncomfortably in the silence.

Billy put on his most charming smile and placed a finger under the doctors chin. He gently raised her to look at him. Her (e/c) eyes met with his chocolaty ones as he spoke " Hey, don't give me the silent treatment. I hate when you're mad at me." He feigned a pout at the end hoping to tug at her heart strings. For a moment the killer thought he finally had her wrapped around his finger. This was shattered as she rolled her eyes and replied "Your charm doesn't work here. I deal with Chase everyday at work who does his best to ooze charm. Every. Single. Day." (Y/n) swatted the man's hand away as he muttered a, damn, under his breath. "A few more days and you should be able to hobble around the house with a cane. Okay? Can you wait that long? I know you're going crazier than you already are laying here day after day, but you need too." She said with an understanding tone.

"I'm home!" Stu yelled. "Not your home!" The doctor yelled back. Billy looked up at her "You could be nicer to him. He's a nice guy when you really get to know him." Billy said quietly, he knows his partner in crime can get on peoples nerves but he also knows how kind of a person he can be. She rolled her eyes "Fine, but only because you vouch for him." She replied. Before she could walk away he grabbed her wrist. "And, uh, laugh at his jokes, his ex was a real bitch about his corny ass jokes." He said with a smile and let her wrist go.

"Hey guys. I really need some help with the bags! Please guys don't leave me hanging!!" Stu called, his struggling was evident in his voice. The doctor sighed and made her way towards the second killer. "Stu go sit down and ice your ankle. I'll get the groceries." She said with a smile. The blonde man limped away slowly, he was probably in a good amount of pain. "It's almost scarier when you're nice to me" He said with a shiver. 

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