Chapter 11

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Over the next few days Stu had brought over clothes and personal items for Billy. This mostly included a few white socks, shirts, and his blue jeans. For a while now the doctor had been bored with the routine the three had fallen into. It was boring day in and day out waking up, feeding the boys, going to work, coming home to feed the boys again and then go to bed. Even work had been slow, which also meant House was bored out of his mind and started creating antics that mostly got their team in trouble. Something entertaining needed to happen and soon or else she would be the one to go crazy.

She sighed as she looked at the basket of laundry that needed to be done. Most of it was Billys shirts and socks. While loading the washing machine she had a great idea as to how she could create her own entertainment. She made sure that the boys were still preoccupied with their movie of choice. Today it was The Exorcist. Sure enough they were glued to the TV occasionally laughing or commenting on the scenes. With a mischievous smirk the doctor snuck into her room and pulled out a bright red shirt from her own laundry pile. She then snuck back and plopped it into the machine with the white clothes. (Y/n) stifled a giggle as she turned it on and went to finish other chores. After the machine finished she couldn't hold back a giggle as she put the pink tinted clothes in the dryer. Was it smart to prank a cold blooded serial killer? No, probably not, but she had the upper hand since he was still very much injured.

She folded the clothes and put them in their respective places in the guest room. She couldn't help but smile as she shut the drawer for her patient/guest. The boys had since finished the movie and started their next one, The Blair Witch Project. They, of course, talked about their theories surrounding the film. The doctor had decided to chime in as she walked behind the couch. "I heard they wanted the fear to be as real as possible so they really left them out there in the woods with very little script."

"That's gnarly" Stu said with his signature goofy smile. Billy rolled his eyes before looking at his caretaker. "You're a horror movie buff?" He asked, half doubting her. She shrugged "I dabble" Is all she responded as she rested her arms on the back of the couch. "So, how's your pain level today?" She said changing the subject. This time it was Billy's turn to shrug "Eh, it's not too bad. Mostly annoying."

She looked back at the TV and responded "That's good. I think you'll be right as rain in a few more days." Those words made the man frown, though he wouldn't let the doctor see. He knew the day would come and that once he was better he'd be kicked out. Yes, he'd been wanting to scratch that itch he'd had for weeks. The itch to take a human life, to watch the light of life drain from someone's eyes. He couldn't deny how attached he'd grown to the doctor over his recovery. He didn't want to leave. Stu had a similar feeling. He thrived on friendship and at the moment (y/n) was becoming a best friend quickly.

(Y/n) had noticed the sudden shift in the boys moods. She moved to sit between the two men. "Hey, don't be so sad. Sure, my door will be locked but I promise to tell you where the spare key is." She had grown attached to the two men despite trying her best to not be. Would she occasionally playfully flirt with the brunette? Yes. He was attractive, charming and cunning. But she also greatly missed the quiet that used to fill the house. (Y/n) sat with the men and watched a few more horror movies with them. By the end of the movie night she had decided that she'd take the next few days off of work. She wanted to spend time with her new friends and give advice for when they left. The doctor massaged work letting them know that she was using vacation days she had saved up.

It was late when she helped Billy to his bed. For the most part he had healed nicely, there had been a few hiccups when he tried to do things that he shouldn't. She was expecting them though, especially when he was able to start using the cane. She laid him down in bed and pulled the covers up over him. He must've been exhausted because he quickly curled up under the warm blankets. "Goodnight Billy" she said as she walked to the door and flicked the lights off. "Night babe" he mumbled sleepily, not realizing what he had said. (Y/n) blushed at his words but didn't respond as she closed the door. 

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