Period (💋)

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When Nanami gets her period, so now Tomoe and Mizuki have to understand how the human female body works, can they? Or is Nanami going to have to suffer in pain and listen to their chaos?

Nanami has only ever had one Sex Ed class where they explained periods, thankfully Nanami was able to do more research using books to understand better of what she might suffer from.

And oh boy was she thankful for those books.

The day her period started was the day her dad had suddenly vanished, she had to suffer that week alone, and how painful was that week... she wanted to die, screw being a land God, she wanted death at that moment.

And she was pissed- because her period was going to happen every month! Meaning that was only the beginning.

So the next month, Nanami was suddenly a land God, but due to all her stress, her period was late/irregular, which made her happy to say the least.

Once Mizuki had become Nanami's familiar, Nanami felt some peace, but.... oh no- Nanami woke up the next morning, her futon was stained in blood, she yelled and screamed, throwing her shoes across the room.

Almost hitting Tomoe as he entered the room to see what the commotion was about, only to see Nanami bleeding from her butt?!

'' Nanami!?! Are you dying?! Oh gosh, Nanami is bleeding from her butt! ''

Tomoe yelled in a panic, now Mizuki came in to see what was happening, and Mizuki panicked too. Nanami threw her shoes at them.

'' Shut up and get out! ''

She yelled, anger radiating from her.

She sighed as they both ran out, she grabbed her futon, clean underwear and pants and went to the bathroom, knowing that getting the stains out would be impossible, she used her talismans and wrote "clean" on them, she placed the talisman on her f...

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She sighed as they both ran out, she grabbed her futon, clean underwear and pants and went to the bathroom, knowing that getting the stains out would be impossible, she used her talismans and wrote "clean" on them, she placed the talisman on her futon and dirty clothes.

'' It worked! Oh how wonderful! ''

Nanami seemed proud of her self, she groaned realising that she has no period supplies, she made a pad out of toilet paper and grabbed her bag and purse.

'' Tomoe I'm going out! ''

Tomoe grabbed her by her shirt, but before he could say any words, he let go of her in fear.

'' Eh- ''

Nanami walked out, leaving Mizuki and Tomoe confused and wanting to know what happened to her.

So they went to the land of yonder and asked the women yokai. The women yokai found their stupidness very funny, but they explained what Nanami was suffering through right now.

'' A period? So it's normal for her to bleed from her butt? ''

The women laughed.

'' She didn't bleed from her butt! She bled from her vagina. Every human woman gets it, sometimes it's best to just leave them alone, or comfort them. Depends on their mood really. ''

Tomoe and Mizuki seemed to understand.

'' So... wait, why hasn't she got it any other time? ''

Tomoe asked curiously.

'' Well it's probably because being a land God has put stress on her, her period can stop when she gets stressed.. maybe now she's less stressed, so it's started again. If so, I'd suggest giving her all the help she can get, she's probably in a lot of pain. ''

One of the women yokai explained.

Tomoe and Mizuki understood, they went back to the shrine. Nanami wasn't back yet, so they took this as a way to get the shrine set up for when she gets back.

Tomoe and Mizuki decorated the shrine and made it look nice and comforting, they put candles around and Tomoe started to prepare a nice meal and dessert for Nanami.

Nanami soon came back holding bags that had her period supplies, she has of course already changed out of her toilet paper pad and into a proper one since it's not very comfortable.

Nanami looked around the shrine in confusion.

'' Eh? ''

She placed the bags down.

'' Welcome home Nanami, please let me take your bags. You can get into some comfortable clothes and rest. ''

Tomoe says in a calm voice. Nanami was very confused.

'' Tomoe what is going o- ow! ''

She doubled over in pain, gripping her lower abdomen, Tomoe rushed over.

'' N-Nanami! ''

He says in worry, she waved her hand weakly and sighed.

'' I'm okay... I just need to lay down. ''

She staggered to her room, Tomoe sighed and carried her to her room.

'' Tomoe! I-I can walk! ''

Nanami protested, Tomoe shook his head.

'' No we must take care of you... you've done so much for us, the least we can do is pay back our thanks. ''

Tomoe said as he placed Nanami on her clean and warm futon.

'' Tomoe...''

Nanami says, her eyes glistened.

'' Get some rest, food is going to be ready soon. ''

Nanami nodded as she got some rest.

An hour passed and Mizuki gently tapped Nanami.

'' Nanami, food is ready. ''

Mizuki exclaimed quietly, Nanami woke up and groaned in pain, hugging her stomach.

'' Oh my Nanami. Here, let's get that pain away...''

Mizuki handed Nanami some tea he had made which had a special herb that should help her pain.

'' T-Thank you Mizuki. ''

Tomoe came in, holding a bowl of warm soup.

'' Here is your soup Nanami. Eat it when it's warm, it is going to help a lot. ''

Nanami started to tear up.

'' N-Nanami? Did we make you upset? ''

Mizuki asked, Nanami shook her head.

'' No no... I'm just, so happy... my last period wasn't so nice.... I was out on the street, I was in so much pain. I'm so thankful to have you two here. ''

Nanami cries tears of happiness as she sipped her tea.

Mizuki and Tomoe gave a gentle smile.

'' We're glad to help Nanami. ''

They both said.

Through that whole week, Misuki and Tomoe helped Nanami... and by the time she was done, Tomoe was a total jerk once again.

The End!
986 Words!

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