A list of what they don't know

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Whenever Kiyoomi and Atsumu are together, chaos ensues. They start bickering and bickering the hell out of each other like little children until one of their teammates starts to pull them away from each other. They're too immature and childish.

In short, They cannot and shouldn't be together. At least that's what they're teammates say.

But they don't know anything. They don't know about the things they do when they're alone. In fact, Both Kiyoomi and Atsumu can make a short list of things.


1. They don't know how many times Atsumu and Kiyoomi whispered 'I love you' to each other on and off the court.

"Omi" Atsumu whispers his name when the others are chatting loudly enough not to hear them,

"yes?" Kiyoomi answers him in a soft tone. "I love ya, Omi-Omi" Atsumu says all of the sudden and it always makes Kiyoomi's heart flutter no matter how many times Atsumu says it.

"What's with the sudden 'I love you'?" Atsumu looks at him all soft and pretty, "Just felt the need to" Atsumu's blushing and he thinks it's adorable.

"I love you too, Atsu." He whispers back. And even when he has a mask on, he knows that Atsumu knows he's smiling right now.

2. They don't know how many times Atsumu and Kiyoomi stayed up all night just so that they could spend more time together.

"Omi, can we watch a movie?" Atsumu says, wrapping his arms around Kiyoomi who's washing their dishes.

"And what would that movie be?" "Howl?" Atsumu suggests as he buries his face into the back of Kiyoomi's neck.

"Good choice." Kiyoomi takes off the gloves he was wearing and kisses Atsumu's forehead. "Go prepare the movie and I'll prepare the food"

Atsumu's smile brightens and it's enough for Kiyoomi to fall once more, "Okay Omi!" Atsumu says as he scurries along to grab the remote as Kiyoomi chuckles watching him do so.

3. They don't know how many times Atsumu and Kiyoomi secretly intertwine their fingers together.

"Omi, What if we mess up or even accidentally tell everyone 'bout our relationship?" Atsumu whispers as he fidgets his hands nervously.

"Calm down Atsu" He says silently, "Even if you say it, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's fine if you tell the world. I wouldn't mind to be called yours"

He can see Atsumu blush at the last sentence and it makes him giggle. Little did he know that because of it, Atsumu wanted to kiss him so much.

"Atsu? Why are you staring at me like that?" Kiyoomi asks and Atsumu just smiles, "Yer so pretty Omi."

Kiyoomi tries hard to fight the blush that's rising on his cheeks but realizes that he completely fails when he sees Atsumu staring at him more lovingly.

"You're so cheesy, Atsu." "Says ya Omi"

They can hear a knock on the door, "Sakusa-san and Atsumu-san. It's time to go to the interview. Your teammates also requested me to check if you guys weren't fighting"

The two lovers quietly giggle, "We're fine Sae-chan! Thanks fer comin in time, was 'bout ta punch Omi in the face" Atsumu jokes, "We'll be there!" He also says before Sae-chan leaves them be.

The two leave their shared dressing room and the interview starts after the introductions.

Each time Atsumu is nervous in answering a question, Kiyoomi intertwines their pinkies together and Atsumu starts to calm his nerves because he knows that Kiyoomi is quietly telling him, "You'll be fine. I'm here with you the whole way"

4. They don't know how many times Kiyoomi and Atsumu secretly kissed when they walked home after a tiring match.

"Omiii" Atsumu whines, "Just one! Promise!" Kiyoomi rolls his eyes, "No, Atsu. Someone might know us and see"

Atsumu pouts and Kiyoomi curses the deities for his adorable little pout that can make Kiyoomi do anything he wants.

"Fine." He says dragging themselves in a somewhat dark alleyway, "Just one. Now hurry up before anyone sees us"

Atsumu smiles and presses his lips onto Kiyoomi's and Kiyoomi presses back. They finally stop after a while.

"Love ya Omi" Atsumu says with a soft smile, "I love you too, Atsu. Now let's get out of here"

Atsumu giggles as they exit the alleyway, pinkies once more intertwining.

5. Lastly, They don't know how perfect they are for each other.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi are snuggling on their couch as they watch Frozen once more for the 5th time that month.

"Atsu, this is the fifth time we watched this movie. Don't you wanna watch something else?" Atsumu rests his head on Kiyoomi's shoulders, "No... not really. Besides, it's a good movie!"

"Atsu. We're watching Frozen." "Exactly." Atsumu says as his eyes are still focused on the TV.

Kiyoomi rests his head on Atsumu's. "I guess you're right" He can hear Atsumu snickering, "Of course I am. I'm the best when it comes to movie picking."

Kiyoomi hums as he kisses his boyfriend's forehead, "I guess you're right about that too"

"I know" Kiyoomi rolls his eyes at Atsumu's comment, "Asshole." he says but then he can't help but smile.

Atsumu finally looks at him and smiles so smugly, "Your asshole."

"Mhm. My asshole."


In short, Kiyoomi and Atsumu are perfect for each other. Whether the world knows that, or not.

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