The things we never did (but I wanted)

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There are many things that Atsumu wanted to do with Kiyoomi, many things they could do.

The feeling of Kiyoomi's touch, holding his hand as they walk back in their shared apartment side by side, laughing as they talk about the most random things.

The feeling of kissing his lips for how long he wanted, the feeling of wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him closer and closer, as close as he wanted, looking at Kiyoomi longingly, staying like that until he couldn't.

The feeling of dancing with him whether it was in the rain or in their living room just because they wanted to and they could.

The feeling of waking up beside him just sleeping peacefully, playing with his soft curls, waking up Kiyoomi and then being showered by kisses right after.

He's so guilty of it all. Guilty of the feeling of it all that he knows will never happen but he'll never stop imagining.

"Atsu, Hurry." Kiyoomi tells him as his hand reaches for him, Atsumu takes it. This is the only time he can. He knows this is a figure of his imagination but he doesn't care. He'll take it. All of it until he can't.

The longing of it all, the feeling of it all. He's as guilty as sin. And he's the only one who knows it.

"I love you" Until he isn't the only one who knows. Until he can be guilty as long as he can because he's allowed to and everyone can see it.

"Eh...?" His heart races, the feeling in his hands so restless, just wanting to hold on to him.

"I love you, Miya. As surprising as it is" Kiyoomi says with pink on his ears that Atsumu only realized now. How many times has Kiyoomi blushed without his knowledge?

"Oh..." It's the flutter in his stomach, the way Atsumu just tries to look at something else other than Kiyoomi to try and remove it but it lingers.

"I uhm..." His words stop, oh how long he's wanted this moment, imagining it over and over again to know the best response in case it happens — it has, this is it — yet here he was yet again, lost for words and thought except one.

"Omi I uhm..." It's awkward, oh how it always was. It was always Atsumu stuttering his words, blushing so red, and Kiyoomi staring at him waiting for his answer.

"You don't have to answer now, Miya." Oh but he wants to, so bad, for so long, How the time flies.

"No no, I just... I mean... I... God this is awkward" Atsumu tries to laugh it off but his heart is making it hard to do so. He ends up covering his face, the blush is exposed, just pure red.

"I... love ya..too?" He awkwardly says like always, like the many times he's imagined, like the many times he's practiced.

"Oh..." Kiyoomi's blush thickens, finally sees it on his cheeks, its awkward, so awkward, but Atsumu loves it.

It's the moment of silence, of realization, of awkwardness that makes them laugh until their knees give out and they fall on the floor.

"That was awkward, to say the least" Kiyoomi says in between laughs and Atsumu smiles at it. It was true anyways.

""But still... since you know...that now. Uhm.." Kiyoomi tries to find his words, his throat getting caught. Atsumu can make an assumption of it.

"Are.. Are ya askin' me out on a date Omi?" Atsumu says whilst holding a large grin on his face. Kiyoomi nods in silence, "Would you?"

Atsumu's grin gets even wider – if that was even possible – and he hugs Kiyoomi, making the latter lay down on the ground with him on top.

"Yes yes yes! Ya don't know how much I've waited fer ya ta ask me tha'." Many many times.

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