A date with memories to create (Impressions and confessions part 3)

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Atsumu has been on many dates with both women and men. But this is Sakusa Kiyoomi he's going on a date with. The Sakusa Kiyoomi.

The guy he's had a crush on for almost 5 freaking years ever since he saw him back in high school with the brightest neon jacket thinking that he looked adorable in it and after that, it just went into a whole downward spiral.

"Atsumu," His train of thoughts just stopped. He's addicted to the way Kiyoomi says his name, just his name. "Are you done yet?"

Ah shit, he took too long, didn't he?

"Comin', Omi!" Hopping on one leg to the door as he tries to fit his shoe on. It finally did when he reached his door.

"Hey." Kiyoomi greets him as soon as their eyes meet. Atsumu looks at Kiyoomi, 'God he looks fine.' He thinks, a blush making its way to his cheeks.

"You look nice, Atsumu." Kiyoomi seemed to have thought the same. "Thanks, Omi... Ya too." He loves him, He loves him, He loves him.

"Let's go then?" Kiyoomi makes this smile that makes Atsumu wanna die on how pretty it is, how pretty he is. Just Kiyoomi being Kiyoomi and Atsumu is smitten.

"Yeah, of course." He smiles nervously. He's excited, yes, but nervous as well. Who wouldn't be when they're going on a date with Kiyoomi?

They make their way out and head out for a walk. "Uhm... So where we goin', Omi?" Atsumu asks, his hand fidgeting on the hem of his shirt as they walk side to side. "Oh right... Do you wanna... I don't know... go to the Arcade?"

"Yeah, I do, tha'd be nice..." A soft and awkward smile plastered on his face, his cheeks still pink.

"Alright then." Kiyoomi answers with a nod. They walk together side by side, Kiyoomi staring at the road while Atsumu is just staring at the houses and stores they walk past.

Atsumu craves for Kiyoomi to hold his hands. He wants to feel his hands, the warmth and softness of it intertwined on his own. He's not sure if he should ask him if he could.

Before he could say anything, he feels Kiyoomi's hands intertwined with his own. "You don't mind this, do you?" Kiyoomi told him like a whisper, and no, he didn't. Not the tiniest bit. "I don't."


"What? How come ya got more points than me!" Atsumu says with a frown as he reads the score on the screen '96-84'.

Kiyoomi had won their bowling match and Atsumu was not too happy about it. He was better than Osamu at it, that he knew, but Kiyoomi being better than him? He cheated.

"Because I'm obviously better." Kiyoomi had said with a shit eating grin and Atsumu either wanted to kiss him to stop it or punch him. He unfortunately hates him too much for the first one yet also too in love with him for the second.

"Fuck ya, Cheater" is the best he could do at that situation.

"Cheater? Oh c'mon Miya, you know I didn't cheat." "First off, Ya did, I dunno how but ya did!" Kiyoomi rolls his eyes and sticks out his tongue.

"Secondly, ya don't have ta brag!" He crossed his arms, "I want a rematch!"

"Too bad, we don't have any more money on the card. Besides, we've been here for an hour now." That simply just made Atsumu sad rather than angry.

"Aw..." He could hear his... whatever he is. Kiyoomi. He heard him chuckle. He hates how he likes how he sounds. He's his rival now. How dare he beat him at bowling.

"Well... We could just add more money." Kiyoomi suggested, and he would love just that. "I'll beat you again anyways." Atsumu won't let that happen again, not when his pride was at stake here.

So yes, they did play again. And Atsumu lost by '104-97'. So they went again and like the saying 'third time's a charm' goes, he won by 85-107.

"Ha! I beat ya!" He says smugly with a grin, putting his hands on his waist, head held up high like he won a marathon and got first place. Fun fact, Osamu has more first places in their races than Atsumu. Twice more. But this is better than a race since he beat not only Osamu at bowling but also Kiyoomi. (After three tries but the fact still stands that he won)

Unbeknownst to him, Kiyoomi had simply targeted the gutter of the lane twice to earn fouls so that Atsumu would win. He thought that if he had not done that, he would have to hear Atsumu complain about it the rest of the day.

"Congrats, Miya." Kiyoomi says with a soft smile that stops Atsumu doing his bragging pose as he stares at Kiyoomi with probably the most dumbfounded and awe-looking looks he has ever expressed.

"You look stupid." It snaps Atsumu out of his trance. Screw Kiyoomi and his stupid smile.

"Rude." Was all Atsumu was able to say before they ended up agreeing to have a trip to a cafe for a light snack.

A donut and some coffee to be exact. "Next time Omi, I'll beat ya again in bowlin'." Atsumu said as they sat down on their seats.

"Mhm. I'll be looking forward to it, Miya." Kiyoomi looks at him again with that smile of his and Atsumu has this urge to punch it out of him.


They walk back, their hands intertwined once more, looking away from each other with flustered looks on their faces they won't admit.

"Hey... Omi?" Atsumu speaks up first, "Yes?"

"Uh... This feels stupid to ask but what exactly... are we?" Kiyoomi stops in his tracks and Atsumu does as well as they look at each other.

"What do you mean?" The other asks, head slightly tilted. It was cute, in a way.

"I mean... like... I mean went on a date but you didn't really... say we're exactly..." A pause, he can't say that word yet, "dating."

Silence, awkward silence. "Then we are." What?

"Wait what? What do you mean, Omi?" He can feel Kiyoomi's hand tighten, "I mean. We're dating. I like you, you like me. I thought we settled this earlier but I guess not." They're facing each other. They're close, it weirdly feels awkward yet also not.

"So we're... dating?" Atsumu says with a hopeful little smile, "uh... yes?"

Atsumu's smile widens, bigger than ever, "I'm happy then." They're hands tighten their grips together as they smile at each other in a silly way.

"So... I can call you my boyfriend, right? Ya know, when I tell everyone." He asks Kiyoomi and the latter nods, which sends fireworks in Atsumu's heart.

"Thank you thank you!" Atsumu hugs him so tight, "I love ya so much ya don't even know it!"

"Mhm. I love you too, Atsu." Well fuck, and Atsumu thought Kiyoomi — his boyfriend, confirmed — couldn't make him love his name even more.


As a promise to the fans, and also an update for their friends, Atsumu had posted on Instagram with a picture of him and Kiyoomi's bowling score (the one where Atsumu had won) and also their food at the cafe with a caption saying:

"Officially taken by Omi <3 I LOVE YA SM @S.Kiyo"

with Kiyoomi in the comments replying: "I love you too Atsu. Also please don't forget that you LOST the first two rounds of bowling." which Atsumu simply replied with many middle finger emojis.

And to add a sprinkle of more cringy love to their relationship, Atsumu and Kiyoomi had decided to also change their nicknames to Omi and Atsu on their twitter and instagram accounts.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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