Finally a real Valentine

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Atsumu hates Valentine's day. It's the only day where Atsumu can't tease anyone for being in a relationship. He hates that everyone has a special someone while Atsumu — despite what he says — is very lonely.

At 6:30pm, Him and the others were in the locker room getting prepared to leave early to go on 'Important' dates.

Atsumu interrupted his teammates who were chatting about their plans tonight so that they could stop.

"Could ya guys not? I'm getting irritated by ya guys talking bout yer partners." Atsumu says.

"Aw, Is little Atsumu Miya single? Who would've thought!" Inunaki teased him and Atsumu just rolled his eyes.

"Fuck ya. So what? I don't care! It's better that way anyways." Atsumu said — as if it was convincing. (It was not, in the slightest)

"You're such a bad liar, Atsumu." Meian said and the others chuckled.

"Shut up." Atsumu glared at them yet it really just made them laugh even more at his misery. Atsumu can't blame him though, he'd laugh as well. Still, it sucks quite a lot.

"Oh come on, Can't admit it? Just say you want a partner" "I don't!" He knows what Inunaki's doing, he'll never.

"C'mon. Not even a chocolate?" A chocolate would be nice... No.

"That's enough, you're making him feel bad about himself." Kiyoomi — surprisingly — had told them to stop.

"Since when did you care about his feelings?" That's his question too.

"Ever since my head was hurting from the noise." He replies to the others as he organizes his bags

"You're a real party pooper, Kiyoomi. I mean, you're single too." Inunaki had said but they all knew full well that Kiyoomi was the last person to probably marry - maybe even date - someone out of all of them.

Sure, Kiyoomi has fans and suitors (both men and women) but with the fact that Kiyoomi never showed the slightest interest when it came to a partner, it'd be a shock if ever Kiyoomi were to like someone at all.

"And?" Kiyoomi says as he blankly stares at Inunaki. He was like that, always. "I'm surprised you would think I care about those things at all."

"C'mon, can't you let us tease him for once? Besides, he didn't even get chocolate."

Kiyoomi looked like he was about to choke Inunaki to death from the way he glared.

"Miya." He had surprisingly called him, "Do you still want chocolate?" Kiyoomi asks him out of nowhere.

"Yes...? I dunno, probably. And don't even say it's weird." Kiyoomi doesn't say anything at first but then turns to open his bag and literally takes out a box of chocolates.

"Here." He hands him the box, "A friend gave it to me earlier and since I don't like sweets, have it" He says before grabbing his bag and leaving, "See you guys tomorrow."

Atsumu stares at the chocolate box in surprise. Omi. Kiyoomi. Sakusa Kiyoomi. Gave him chocolate on valentines day.

"Oh ho ho" His teammates look at him with the stupidest smirks, "Seems like you do get your chocolate after all Atsumu-kun."

The others laughed and Atsumu on the other hand, felt like melting.

Kiyoomi gave him chocolates. Holy fuck.


'I can't believe I did that.' Kiyoomi thought as he kept on walking to his apartment with a blushed face.

Kiyoomi had bought that chocolate for Atsumu but didn't know how to give it. He was supposed to just mail it to him after practice to make it seem like fan mail.

But then again, that opportunity the others gave him was a — somewhat — good idea. In all honesty, Kiyoomi would have still done that fan mail plan of his if it weren't for the fact that Atsumu looked like a sad puppy. Cute, really.

Oh how Miya has him wrapped around his hand. And to think, the blond doesn't even know it.

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