Impressions and confessions

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"Miya? You want me to describe Miya" Kiyoomi repeats the question the interviewer asks him. They're being interviewed one by one about their teammates. In all honesty, he was supposed to be going to Komori's house by now but the interviewer had stopped him and asked if he could answer one question.

"Yes Kiyoomi-san. If you were to describe Atsumu-san, how would you describe him?" The woman asks. Kiyoomi's eyes dart to the camera and back on his lap as he fidgets with his shirt. "And we want you to answer truthfully."


Kiyoomi think about it, about Miya and all of him that he's seen.

It's the way he smells like a field of flowers on a rainy day. Every second with him, there's a delay.

"He's... nice, I guess. Smells nice too. Not in a weird way but whenever he's near me, He smells nice."

It's the way his laughs spark joy to others around, And how his voice makes the most wonderous sound.

"He's loud, but tolerable in some cases. You could say I got used to the noise overtime."

It's the way Kiyoomi's mask crinkles as his lips make a smile, it stays like that for a while.

"He talks a lot about his brother. And the stupid pranks he's gonna do or he has done."

It's the way Atsumu always figures out a way to find what kiyoomi needs, like a bandage that's covering a wound that bleeds.

"He's... thoughtful sometimes. He sometimes gives me things I need but also gives horrible things that I do not like on purpose which is super annoying."

It's how no matter how many times Kiyoomi pushes him away, all he does is stay.

"He's... A good teammate, Maybe even a friend at most."

It's the way that no matter how many times he can deny, He never can truly lie.

"I uh... like him a lot."

It's the way that he'll like him despite not wanting to.

"You could say... that I love him too?"

It's the silence that makes Kiyoomi more nervous. The way the interviewer looks at him in shock and so is the one behind the cameras. What's worse is that Atsumu barged into the room after breaking down the door.

"What didja say?" He has that horrible smile and Kiyoomi has these horrible beats.

"Nothing, Miya." He says as he looks down on the ground with his ears pink. He hopes no one can see it.

"No, ya definitely said tha' ya love me" How annoying. Kiyoomi thinks. He definitely boosted Atsumu's ego, dramatically so. "Prove it." He says, like an instinct, constructed by their endless banters.

"Just ya wait when this comes out online." Atsumu says like a kid, it's cute, in a way that makes Kiyoomi want to punch himself in the guts for thinking so.

Kiyoomi sighed, "I need to go now. Komori's waiting." That's a lie. Komori probably knows about this interview anyways. It's either that or he forgot it and is currently watching The Umbrella Academy. Probably the second.

"Hey! Ya can't just leave like that after dropping a bomb!" Kiyoomi rolls his eyes as he stands up from the chair, "I can. And I am."

"Fuck ya, prick." Atsumu says as Kiyoomi thanks the interviewer, "Yer lucky I love ya to-" He can hear the sound of Atsumu covering his mouth with his hands. Well isn't that a surprise.

"Oh?" He says with a smirk.

"Ya heard nothin'" Atsumu says before Kiyoomi could say anything. There's this tension, it's odd, deafening, and so awkward.

He'll have to apologize to the interviewer and cameraman after this.

"Alright then. I look forward to the video." He says before leaving. And as soon as he takes a taxi to go to Komori's, his cheeks slowly turn a light pink.

God damn it Atsumu. He thinks as he looks out the window.

Oh, and he did in fact, contact the interviewer to apologize for his and Atsumu's conversation.

And once the video came out, let's just say that there was a lot of pushing from the public for an update of his and Miya's relationship.

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