The Café of my hateful love

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Kiyoomi doesn't know what got to him when he hired Atsumu as one of his waiters for his cafe, the idea of it was horrible as it is but of course, he had to hire him too, making things all the more worse.

He remembered how Atsumu started smiling the moment Kiyoomi told him he was hired 3 months ago, that smile lasting until Atsumu left the cafe,

"Thank ya so much Omi-kun! I'll make sure ya won't regret i'" Atsumu said that same day before leaving, something about it made Kiyoomi's stomach churn, "Omi?" He repeated the strange nickname.

That was the moment Kiyoomi's world turned upside down.

Miya Atsumu. Day after day, not once missing a chance to make Kiyoomi's blood boil. "Good morning Omi-omi!" He would always say the moment he walks in the cafe, oh how miserable the morning always seemed to be.

"Omi, made ya yer coffee" He always says during his break as he holds the cup of coffee he made, an "Omi" written on the side with a heart beside it.

Kiyoomi never really understood how Atsumu figured out how he liked his coffee, he never bothered to ask. Oh how he hated it.

He hates him, the way he talks with the customer with ease, making them laugh and smile at his flirts or jokes. He hates how much he's always on time to work, 5am on the dot, always remembering to give Kiyoomi that awful smile. He hates how he remembered the little things like how Kiyoomi dislikes handling the cashiers despite being the owner and is willing to do it himself and just lets him handle the coffee making. he hates it when wears their cafe's apron while wearing the tightest shirt known to mankind, oh how he hates it.

He hates him.


"Uhm... Good Morning." Atsumu - ??? - says one day which makes Kiyoomi's day worse than it already was when he saw him from the window with that new look.

He looks different. He hates it.

"Who are you?" He asks him, unsure to himself if he's being stupid or even imaginative to not think this is Atsumu but for the 3 months he's worked with Atsumu, there's no way that this is him.

"Hah?" Atsumu - he doesn't believe so - says, "You're not the Miya I know." Kiyoomi says, arms crossed as he stares at the familiar face but different features. His hair is gray, not strawberry blond; Voice more dull and not as full of life as Atsumu's. He would know what Atsumu sounds like, he's heard it day after day for the past 3 months. He hates it.

"Oh. How do I say this uhm..." The man - who looks like Atsumu - says, "I'm his twin brother..."

Twin? He thinks, remembering the time where Atsumu - being the talker he is - mentioned having a sibling but never telling him it was an identical twin.

"Look, uhm, he told me to come in here and pretend to be 'im or something and I swear I told him it was a stupid idea and that it was probably illegal," seeing how it was like identity theft, it probably was.

"he went with it thinkin' ya would just think he got a new look or something... He's kinda stupid" He fidgets like Atsumu, the only difference is that he does it in front of him rather than hiding his hands.

"Why would he ask you to cover for him? Is something wrong?" He doesn't know why he's worried about him, he shouldn't be. Maybe it's just a feeling he got from Atsumu working for him... he hates it.

"Well, he's sick ya see and he doesn't really wanna miss work but then he remembered ya hate sick people so he just asked me ta come in fer 'im."

Little things like this is what he hates about Atsumu. Why would he not want to miss work? Why would he remember Kiyoomi's mysophobia? He hates it, he hates him.

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