The full confession (Impressions and Confessions 2)

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Kiyoomi comes back after the weekend with Komori, all filled with his cousin teasing him about their new video and all. It was an annoying weekend so to speak. But of course, that won't be the end of it all seeing how he still has to deal with the fact that Miya apparently likes him back.


It's been his main thought – other than wanting to throw Komori across the room – this whole weekend.

He walks in, assuming for the worst but no one's inside. Not in the living room at least. It's quiet, scarily quiet.

Kiyoomi sighs, walking upstairs and into his room just to bump into Atsumu.

Speaking of which...

"Miya." Kiyoomi says, trying to compose himself, it's weird to think of what to say to your crush. Much weirder when you know he likes you back.

"Omi..." Atsumu, god Atsumu... He looks pretty right now... With his messy hair and horrible taste in pajamas. Prettier than how he is whenever he laughs. Prettier than when he tells the stupidest things just to make Kiyoomi annoyed.

He doesn't know how that works. he thinks it might be because he hasn't seen him for two days. Even so, there's this blush on Kiyoomi's ears that might have the same color as Atsumu's cheeks.

"Yer... here..." Atsumu says, looking away. He looks cute. Cuter than when he accidentally sleeps on the couch while watching a movie. Cuter than when he starts acting like a happy child whenever they win a match.

Again, he doesn't know how. He wonders where the prideful Atsumu is from 2 days ago that was smirking and grinning like he just won a competition.

"Yeah... I am..." Kiyoomi says, the awkwardness slowly forming as the seconds pass by. So awkward...

"So... uh... about uhm... last Friday..." Atsumu fidgets with his hands. Kiyoomi always wants to hold those hands, always has.

"Let me put my bag first?" Atsumu nods in agreement. "You can come in, by the way."

He said, which was surprising to Atsumu. Probably because no one had been inside Kiyoomi's room, the only time they see it is if Kiyoomi opens the door whenever he goes in.

It wasn't like Kiyoomi had secrets (he does but those are locked up in the corner of his mind and in Komori's phone), he just didn't like it if someone stepped foot in his room and disorganized something by accident.

"Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there?" He asks to which Atsumu just awkwardly comes in.

"You can sit down, you know" Atsumu nods and sits down at the foot of the bed.

"So... uhm... How do we... uhm..." Atsumu tries to start the conversation, his eyes roaming around the room, landing on anything but Kiyoomi's gaze – or even just Kiyoomi in general. A bad idea, a terrible idea even, given the awkward atmosphere... but it was cute, hilariously so.

"...Are ya smiling, Omi?" He says out of the blue, and in all honesty, Kiyoomi didn't even realize he was until he relaxed his face and it wasn't like Kiyoomi was gonna deny it if he was.

"Maybe." Kiyoomi says with a chuckle in the end and there's something in the way Atsumu stares at him with stars in his eyes. He wonders if Atsumu ever stared at him like that before. He looks pretty with it.

"So... Ya like me, Omi?" Atsumu says with a shit face grin. He said it as if the tension wasn't there like a wall, as if he didn't just stutter looking like an absolute idiot.

Kiyoomi smirks, "Cocky asshole." Atsumu gasps at that, dramatically so, it's annoying yet endearing, in a way.

"Yer mean, Omi. If I remember correctly, ya like this cocky asshole." He hopes Atsumu doesn't see the way his ears or even his neck turn red. Komori had told him about each time he kept talking about one of the embarrassing things Kiyoomi did whenever they're with family.

"I do... unfortunately." Atsumu probably knows that's a lie, he probably knows how Kiyoomi didn't feel unfortunate at all from the smile on his face.

"Who would've thought ya'd have a cringy side to ya, Omi-Omi?" Unfortunately for Atsumu, Kiyoomi can absolutely see the pink flush on his cheeks, the way his breathing is faster than normal, most probably from nervousness.

"Well you seem to be the only one who brings that side of me, Atsumu." Atsumu's smirk falls, eyes widening from shock, his hand clutching the bed, and his cheeks turn from pink to red.

"Wha...?" Kiyoomi doesn't know if that's it, or if he wants to say something else but can't do so, so he remains silent.

"Wha... What didcha call me...?" It takes a while for the gears of Kiyoomi's brain to move but it gets there, a smirk is found on Kiyoomi's face this time.


The blond lays on the bed, curling his body like a ball, "Ya can't say things like tha' Omi!"

Kiyoomi chuckles as he sits down on the foot of the bed beside Atsumu, "It's your name." "Yeah but ya don't call me that!"

Atsumu's hands and knees cover his face and Kiyoomi loves it.

Neither of them speak for a while. Kiyoomi is just watching Atsumu try to hide himself away like a turtle, slowly opening up as the silence passes. It's a mix of both awkward and comfortable silence.

"Can I go on a date with you, Atsumu?" Kiyoomi breaks it and he can see Atsumu squeeze his legs together, pulling his knees closer to his face.

"Okay, Omi..." He can barely hear it but he's so happy he did. He loves Atsumu and both his flustered and flirty sides.

"I'll go take a bath then. See you in an hour." Kiyoomi stands up, still watching Atsumu with a soft smile. Oh how he loves that man. He takes it all back, this is the cutest and prettiest he's been. For now. Until a new and even better memory of him replaces it.

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