Part 30

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"Now what?" Gold asked once Crystal had gone back into the other room.
"Good question," I say, silently hoping that May was smart enough to come help us quickly.
"Your the one who has gone through this before you should know!!" Gold screams.
"Wait how do you know that?" I ask.
"Your the most famous kid in the world Lauren. It's some what obvious," we hear someone say quietly behind us. I quickly recognize the voice as Mays.
"That was faster than I thought," I say, as May walks over and cuts the ropes from my arms and legs.
"Wait you knew she was coming?" Gold asks as we all run out of the building a few moments later.
"Yeah," I respond, "This has happened before so,"
"Just get on the bird before we get caught!" May says, signaling that our conversation is done. I hop onto the bird next to me, and Gold does the same. We soon take off into the sky, and fly back to New Bark town. We all known that this is bad idea because Crystal will come straight here when she finds out we escaped, but we didn't have much of a choice. This was the closest place we could go to.
"Lauren," May says, "your phones ringing again,"
I pull out my phone and see that Crystal is calling.
"What do you want now?" I ask, as soon as I answer.
"I don't even get a hello?"she asks.
"You kidnapped me and my friends, so no, you don't. Now what do you want?" I ask.
"I just want to tell you that I'm going to find you again. I'm watching you, Gold, and May. We aren't done with each other yet. And escaping just made everything worse," she says.
"Okay whatever," I say.
"I'm serious Lauren," Crystal angrily says, and then hangs up. I shove my phone back into my pocket right as my bird lands. I swiftly jump off, and watch as May and Gold do the same right behind me.
"So where do we go now?" May asks.
"We should probably stay here. Apparently Crystal won't be out of our sleeves for awhile so why not?" I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"Wait weren't you friends with her before we all met?" May asks Gold.
"Yeah I was her boyfriend. That's why she's so mad at Lauren and I," Gold explains.
"By any chance do you know how I became a part of this?" May asks.
"Probably because I forced you to come with me after I ran off," I say as I am grabbed by the arm and pulled behind a bush. My arms are grabbed behind my back, and I am pushed to the ground.
"Really Kris," I say in an annoyed way.
"How did you know it was me?," she replies, "and you should have seen this coming.
"First, your the only person who is stupid enough to kidnap me twice. And I knew it was coming, but I didn't expect this quickly," I say.
"Did you really think I would let you get away? Maybe May and possibly Gold, but definitely not you," she says.
"Ugh why do you have to be so mean? Gold and I have no choice but to stay with each other. We were sent on a journey together!" I say.
"I know that. I was sent on it to. But I'm still not done with revenge yet. Now come on," Crystal says, grabbing me once again.

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