Part 38

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"So you got married after all?" Crystal asks, sipping her coffee. I wasn't sure if we had her totally fooled or if she was just acting.
"Yep," I say drinking more coffee.
"When?" she asked.
"February 22 2021," Gold says getting the date right.
"Amazing." she says sipping more coffee, "and how old is your daughter Amanda?" She asked.
"She just turned ten last week," I lied.
"What day?" She asked.
Seriously Kris, what's with all the stupid questions?
"Wednesday," Gold says picking a random day.
"Mom!!!" I hear May yell. "Wingil and I are going outside!" She yells.
"Okay 'Manda!" I call almost calling her May.
"Crystal would you like to stay for dinner?" Dawn asks.
Why would you ask that? Come on! What's with all my friends and inviting Crystal to do stuff?
"I'm making chicken," Dawn says.
"Yes Dawn makes really good chicken isn't that right Gold?" I say through my teeth.
"Yeah," he nods. Awkwardly we continue talking about life. She asks about May and Silver. And other people who's background we make up as we go. Which made me realize. I hate Mays plan. I hate Crystal in general, and having to talk to her like I don't is very hard.
"How much longer are we keeping this up?" I whisper to dawn.
"Ask Amanda," she whispers back. I nod and head into the front yard where May sits with the wingil propped up on her leg.
"May how long are we keeping this up?" I ask.
"I don't know how long to do you want to?" She asks.
"I don't like Crystal it's hard for me to talk to her like I do like her," I complain.
"Okay then pull it to a close," she says.
"I was kinda hoping you would," I say.
"Fine," she says and stands up.
"Thank you Amanda," I wink. As we walk inside everyone sits down at the table but me. I stay in front of the door.
"Don't you miss kidnapping us Kris?" May asks.
"If by us, You mean Gold, Lauren, and May, then no," She says.
"By is I mean me, May, Lauren and Gold." She says.
"Wh--" she starts.
"Guess what. I don't know if you knew or not, but its 2015 still. I'm still Lauren Dagani. I'm still 13. I'm still dating Gold and best friends with May and Dawn. I may not have married Gold yet. or had a kid. or grown up. I am Lauren. Like it or not. I am living my glory days and I will not stand to be kidnapped by you again!" I say.
"What do you want from me?" She asks.
"I think the better question is what do you want from us," I say as Gold says,
"To not be kidnapped," below me. Crystal opens her mouth to talk but nothing comes out. I walk away from the door.
"I'd like you to know I tried so hard to make nice with you. I know you can't really be like this. I hope you come around as your real self to apologize one day," I burn her and walk up stairs. I hear the door slam and race back down stairs.

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