•04 Jacob•

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Chapter 4 ~ Jacob



We broke our kiss. We looked up wide eyed.

What am I suppose to say?
Wait.... He wanted me to move on.
So I am he can't have a problem with that!

I decided to play cool.

"Yes? Is there something you need?"
I asked calmly.

"What are you doing here with Jacob!"
He screamed at us.

"Uh? Making out."
I answered pretending to be confused.

He screamed.

"What! I thought you wanted me to move on. I am."
I screamed back.

"That's not what I ment!"

"What did you mean then?"
I played dumb.

"Forget Edward!"

"That's what I'm trying to do! Get out!"

He hesitated but went. I smiled up at Jacob. And we started making out again.

After half a hour of cuddling we got up and I took a shower, first. Jacob went second.

When we walked downstairs well...... I got carried bridal style by Jacob.

Charlie wasn't too happy to see us like this. I glared at him and said.

"Suck it up."

"I refuse"

I shook my head and turned to Billy.

"Hey, Billy"

"Good morning Bella"

Jacob made us some sandwiches for breakfast. Then Jacob and I went for a walk.


"Yes, Jakey"

"You know I liked you for ages don't you?"

"Yea why?"

"Why didn't you go out with me at the start? You wouldn't have to go through all bthe pain he caused you"

"Jacob. I liked you the whole time too but I was so curious about Fuckward. I wanted to find out their secret. Then I started developing feelings for that motherfucker. I wish I could so I would avoid all that pain. I really do. But that doesn't matter anymore nothing does except the two of us"

He confirmed while giving me a peck on the lips.

I smiled and hugged him, we sat down by a nearby tree. We just sat the cuddling.



"U know I'm a wolf don't you?"

"Yea why?"

"I'm going to tell you something funny about us"

"Yea, OK"

"We can love at first sight. ;)"
He winked at me.

"Did love me at first sight?"

"Sadly no, but Sam and Emily are like that."

"Is it something like having a soul mate?"

"Yea..... But its more like love at first sight. When u see her for the first time, its like she's the only thing that's keeping you here. Gravity doesn't hold you to the surface of earth anymore its her. She's the only thing that matters."

"Your talking as if you've gone through it."

"No, its rare and most never get to get through it. I'm talking like this because we know what its like well... The badics . Wolfs Read each others mind remermber?"

He tapped his temple. I noded giggling.

"Its not funny it van be preety annoying."

I just kept giggling.

"Its called imprinting"
He said while grabbing my hand and helping me up from the roots of the tree.



Hope your enjoying this story so far. When I get to the end I'll go back, edit and add a few more scenes. I can't wait to get to the Volturi part! I love The Volturi. I don't know why. But I do.

I guess I like showing the soft and good side of the 'suppose to be bad guys' . if you know anygood Volturi and Bella fanfics please comment!
No Alec x Bella or Determi x Bella or Felix x Bella. Thanks.

And follow me for more storys .

I'll do any story somebody suggests.

Twilight, no twilight :D

- Volturi_218

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