•20 Leaving Volturaa•

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Chapter 20 ~ Leaving Volturaa


How dare he do such a thing to our Isabella. He is never getting her back. He hurt her so much and he just expects her to forgive him just like that? Foolish mind-reader.


It saddens me to see our Isabella like think, so sad. That Cullen boy hurt her too much, I won't allow him to hurt her even more. Isabella was happy with us. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to invite the Cullen's over at all?


The stupid Cullen boy! He shall never hurt isabella again I will kill him before he does. I should kill him now!


Once Bella ran out Aro, Marcus and Caius came towards me. Pure rage written all over their faces I read their minds and gasps. They slept with Bella! I came toward them too and shouted at them.

"How dare ye! Slepp with my Mate. My Bella!"
I roared in pure rage.

They just laughed and Caius said.

"Don't worry Edward she was more then willing, you should have sent her she is so good. That ass...."
He said smirking trying to tick me off. Jasper and Emmet help me back from ripping his head off.

"Edward, you didn't make her happy you hurt her. She came to us, you lost your chance you lost her."
Marcus said.

"Never! I will get her back! I will make her my Bella once again!"
I screamed at him in pure rage.

"I don't know if you will have the chance to once we rip your head off"
Aro said laughing.

That's when my Beautiful Bella came into the throne room walked up to Aro and whispered something into his ear.
His face turned to pure rage as he glared at me, then to sadness and utter depression. After that Bella walked out.

Aro turned to me and roared.

"Its all your fault! She's leaving because of you!"


I lay in my bed for a while and knew I had a choice to make.

1. Leave the Volturi, Start over and never think about any of them or the Cullen's again.

2. End my existence?

3. Move out of Volturaa, forgive Edward and live happily ever after with him.

4. Ask Aro to kill Edward and live like I have lived but with the addition of great guilt I have caused Esme and Carlisle a sad time by killing their first son.

5. Get outta Volturaa and to think for a while after that come back and decide.

Yes. Choice number 5.

I will do that, I started packing and left to tell Aro what I'm doing. As I entered the throne room I didn't look at anyone but Aroni came up to him and whispered into his ear.

"I'm leaving for a while, I'll be back I promise I Just need to think I love ye."

And walked out towards the garage. I don't say goodbye to anyone else because I knew it would be harder if I did. I picked my Small black Audi coupe and drove out of Italy I drove to Russia where I had a isolated mansion it was so peaceful there so quite.


Bella left no she can't she has to listen I have to explain to her! I have to find her. I read Arose mind he was thinking that she most likely when to Russia I got a rough image where her mansion in Russia is.

I stormed out my family behind me. I turned around and said.

"We need to find her. Carlisle and Esme you search America. Emmet and Rosalie you search Asia. Jasper and Alice you have Europe I'll do the rest."

They all nodded their heads and ran off without arguing knowing hjow important this to me. I didn't know for sure that Bella is in Russia but its an possiblity so I'll go there first.



This is the second Chapter today yay! My father is coming home late today so we will be back to one update a day. I'm sorry. This book is coming to an End. I can feel it but I'm not sure how I want to end it. Voice your opinions please. You need to make the choice ;) heheh. I'm tore between these two.

1. Edward finds Bella explains and she forgives him. The move back to Forks and get married.

2. The Volturi Kill Edward, bella stays as the queen and keeps up her relationship with the kings.

What do you think?

And follow me for more storys .

I'll do any story somebody suggests.

Twilight, no twilight :D

- Volturi_218

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