Window Watching

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This book is a series of 1shots during the month of July in which they act as a count down until Lance's birthday on the 28th of July. These 1shots take place within the same universe, but I kinda have to keep it as 1shots for my sanity because otherwise I wouldn't be able to really write a story.

Minor trigger warnings through the whole book, but each chapter will contain some sort of tags that act us summary for what the chapter may contain.

I've asked friends and family to give me random words and names so I can give titles to things in solar systems.

This might be badly written- my apologies

[Window Watching: Lance McClain, Langst, alone, loneliness, stars, planets, suns, moons, solar planets, time, space, space war, Castel, paladins, blue lion, red lion, lions, Voltron, new planet, galaxy, war, Galra, Zarkon, army, more]


Day or night, it was hard to tell until they reached Kubalec.

The castle was on route to a planet called Kubalec, one where there were long winters with cloudy mornings and it would get dark super fast. They had a large moon called baggar that brightly lit up the night. There were many stars in the area.

Lance couldn't see Kubalec yet, but he knew everyone else would soon be awake from the small but bright red star that Balekans, inhabitants of Kubalec, called their sun; Thalath.

Lance thought it would be nice, to waste the hours away like watching a movie. But he didn't have popcorn to keep his hands and mouth occupied. There was no amazing plot line to distract his brain. He was focused. That was for sure. Directly on what, he was focused on, well here's a clue. Everything that has ever been and shall ever be, is the same stuff that makes up you, and the stuff that makes up me.

Yeah. That was currently going through lances brain. How Humans, Alteans, Balekans, Voltron, and even the stars were all made of the same stuff. Human are water based meat creatures; a funny way to describe. And Voltron was made of some sort of magical meteor. But then that meteor, has matter, it's made up of something anyways. Everything is made up of matter, but matter is made up of other things.

So why can't they all be related in the scheme of things. Lance was a Paladin of Voltron. There had to be some sort of universal compatibility, otherwise, Lance and the rest of the Paladins being human, wouldn't have had the urges or sensations to even go after the strange pulses. Keith was aware of it first. Having found the area. But Lance lied. He would lie. He would have been lying if he said he didn't feel some sort of faint magnetic tug pulling him towards what he then only knew as rocks.

Thalath had been leaving small dancing orbs on his window. Like the small red sun had broken apart just to come find Lance's window. It wasn't even Lance's window. There was no window in the blue chamber. No windows near by either.

Lance had taken the time: probably hours, to wander around the castle aimlessly. He ventured into parts of the castle he had never been in before. Mostly because Coran or Allura would direct the Paladins to where they needed to be. But at that moment. Lance felt compelled to watch the window in front of him.

It was a room similar to an office. If he peeled his eyes off of the window, and let his mind wander away from his thoughts for a short amount of time, he might have seen an Altean sort of computer settled on a deep mahogany like desk. There was a silver couch like seat settled in front of the window. Lance didn't take the time to look around much, just went to the couch instead. If he had turned to look away from the window for a short while, he could have noticed the strange lack of technology in the room. How the desk part was almost built into the wall like a shelf. There were more shelves with books, a few plants, and even an Altean equivalent of a clock.

Lance was typically pretty good at connecting the dots and putting things together. But at this moment, he was focused on the stars. 

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