#1- Normal day, like always.

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-Mistah phone wake up!! *Toilet screamed excited*
-Ugh, do you really need to do this every morning?... *Mephone said annoyed while he slowly open his eyes and he looks at Toilet*
-OF COURSE I HAVE TO! *he chuckled and then quickly left the room*

*Mephone just layed there, on his bed, looking at the ceiling, it was just another normal day for him, working for Cobs, making robotic parts, helping him with stuff, nothing really new*

*Mephone looked around, still feeling sleepy, his room was pretty small, the walls were a royal blue and they had glowing stars all over the walls, it made him feel weird, like a memorie he forgot and needed to remember, he didn't like that, at all*

*Right then Cobs entered mephones small room and he cleared his trought*
-4 stop being lazy and get to work! I need those robotic parts soon, do you think test tube can do all the work?!

*Of course his own father cared about test tube more, she's the one who helps him the most, he hates her! Actually he doesn't really hate her, Mephone never really interacted with her, test tube was always in the lab with Cobs, he felt so jealous when thinking about that, his own father,liking a person he only knew for a few years...over his son*

-4? 4! MEPHONE4! *Cobs screamed annoyed as he clinched his hands, he was trying really hard not to hit Mephone right now*

-Oh shit, I'm really sorry sir, got lost in my thoughts again, heh. *he quickly got up trying not to annoy his creator more*

-Next time this happens I'll delete your memories so it won't happen again, NOW GO TO WORK! *The corn man turned around and stormed off*

*Mephone sighed, he hated letting his father down, he just hated everything about himself, he felt like a burden in the house but he wasn't really allowed to leave*

*After a few minutes, Mephone was sure Cobs wasn't on the halls anymore and he quickly ran to the room where he, toilet and mepad worked*

*When he entered the room mepad and toilet turn around and hug him, they always knew when Cobs was mean to him, it was easy to guess by how loud Cobs usually screams*

*Mephone just stayed there, he wasn't feeling like himself today, he would usually hug back but today he didn't feel like it, he just pushed them away and went to his table to work*

-Mephone are you ok? *Mepad asked worried*

*Toilet was staying silent just looking at him, Mephone was quiet for a few seconds before whispering*

-Yes, just like always. *he sighed* Sorry I acted mean, it's just stress.
- It's ok mistah phone! *Toilet smiled happily as he jumped excited*

*Mephone opened his arms and Toilet sprinted in his embrace while mepad walked to Mephone as well, to get a hug too*

~After they finished working~

*Mephone walked exhausted back to his room before being stopped by an object he never saw before*
-Hey there! You're Mephone4, right?
*she looked nice and sweet in mephones eyes, he nodded and then said cautiously*
-Uhm...yes, but you can call me mephone or just 4.
-Can I call you phony? *she stimmed a little*
-I guess? But who are you tho? Are you a new helper, for Cobs?
-You mean the corn man? Then yes! I mean that's what he told me, I don't really remember how I got here, but my names light bulb! *she looked innocent and then she hopped away*

*Mephone looked confused as light bulb left, he didn't understand what she ment by that*

*Mephone decided not to think about it so he walked in his room and flopped in his bed, but after a while he got a knock on the door*
-You can come in. *he was a little bit anxious, but not to much bcuz he knew it wasn't Cobs, he never knocks on the door unfortunately*

*Cabby entered the room and she waved before saying in a stern voice with a neutral face*
-Cobs wants to see you.

*After she said that the door closed and Mephone was left alone in the small room, now even more anxious and nervous then before, he was scared that Cobs is gonna scream at him for earlier today, he darted his eyes around the room then he took a deep breath and got up*

*Mephone walked out of the room and he started jogging to Cobs office, when he got there his anxiety grew even more, he took another small breath and he entered the room*

*there was all the objects that work here, test tube, mepad, toilet, taco, cabby and two new objects, one of them was light bulb, he already met her and the other one was a brown square looking object*

-Come on 4,we don't have all day, just sit down.
*Mephone looked annoyed and he mumbled a few curse words under his breath then he sat down on a chair next to Mepad and toilet*
-Ok so I called you all here to meet the two new objects that will work for me, present each other.

*Light bulb jumped a step ahead and she smiled brightly*
-Hello everyone, I'm Light bulb, but you can call me Lighty too- *she paused for a second looking empty, she felt weird when she said "Lighty" like something was missing and then she shooked her head* heh, uhmm that was weird, I usually like weird... BUT ANYWAYS! I'm a trans girl and I use she/her pronouns, Im a pretty bright object to be around! *she stimmed a little with her arms and then she took a step back*

*Everyone looked a little confused at each other, an awkward silent filled the room before Cobs broke it and said annoyed*
-Cmon, next one! *he looked out the window like he didn't really care about what was happening right now, but why would he?*

*the square looking object took a small step ahead, they looked a little shy or just nervous*
-Hey? Uhmm, my name is suitcase, I'm also a female and I use she/her pronouns, I don't know how I got here-...
*Right then Cobs chuckled nervously and he grabbed her by the handle*

-haha, ok enough talking, light bulb and everyone else go now, it's already late.
*All the objects except Cobs and suitcase left, Mephone felt weirded out bcuz both light bulb and suitcase said they have no idea how they got here, he just brushed it off and he walked back to his room*

-Phew, he didn't wanna scream at me. *Mephone didn't feel anxious and nervous anymore, he walked in his room and he sat down on his bed, looking out the window, there was nothing outside, just clouds, he yawned and then layed down on his back, slowly drifting off to sleep*

~This was a normal day, right?~


F1rzt chapter yayayay!!! H0pe y'all l1ked 1t!
(1172 w0rdz)

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