495 7 72

-Mentioun of Blood
-Mention of death
-Curse words


*Mephone was in front of his room, it was pretty early and he only had a few minutes for himself before he had to work, but he looked at the door in front of him, the one he saw Cobs in, a very suspicious lookin door, it was Test tubes lab*

*he looked in his left and right before being sure that no one was near, he quickly walked to the door and got in*

*It was pretty dark in there, he looked around and then found the switched, he turned it on and then turned around to see what's there*

*Mephone looked around searching for something that can be a clue on what was Cobs doing here*

*He saw some big boxes so mephone decided to check them out, he walked over to them and then opened the boxes, inside were just a lot of robot parts and other metal stuff*

"Hmm, nothing suspicious" *mephone thought to himself before he saw that behind all the boxes was a free space with no boxes*

*he decided to move some of the boxes away to check that place out, some of the boxes backs had red liquid on them*

*as mephone grabbed the last box that was covering his view, behind it, it was LIGHT BULBS dead body*

*It was her cold body on the floor, she had her head smashed, half of her head was gone and blood was also dripping from inside her bulb*

*Mephone let out a loud gasp and his arms started to shake in shocked, because of that the box he had in his hands fell off right on his foot*

*luckly he has robot feet but either way bcuz of the heaviness from all the metal inside the box it still made mephones foot break, making it hard to stand up and walk*

*Mephone started tearing up from fear and shock and confusion, he quickly fell to the floor because of the broken foot, mephone felt fucking sick to his stomach just looking at her dead body*

*He needed to get to work, but before that he needed to put the boxes back so Cobs wouldn't know anyone was there*


-Oh my god toilet look!! *Mepad said worried as he quickly walked over to mephone who was standing on the doorway with a broken foot and tears in his eyes*

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-Oh my god toilet look!! *Mepad said worried as he quickly walked over to mephone who was standing on the doorway with a broken foot and tears in his eyes*

-NOO MISTAH PHONE! *he quickly flew to mephone* Are you okay???

*mephone was quiet, his mind was an absolute mess, he just found out that Cobs probably killed light bulb*

*he wandered why would his own father do this?! I mean, mephone did know that Cobs was harsh, mean and cold, but that was TOO FAR!*

*Because mephone wasn't saying anything mepad and toilet helped him lay down on a table*

*Mephone sat down on the table placing his hands on it and then laying down, he could feel the table being cold, it also reminded him of light bulb, her cold body laying dead and bleeding on the ground*

*He frowned and started sobbing all of a sudden, all the shock wear off causing him to realize all the bad things that could happen to his friends and family because of Cobs being a FUCKING PSYCHO*

*Mepad and toilet looked shocked at the poor phone, they didn't know why he was crying but they didn't wanna talk either because they knew that mephone doesn't like talking about his problems*

*They slowly walk closer to mephone and hugged him tightly, not caring about mephones tears going all over them*
(A/N: btw mepad and meph0ne are b0th water pr00f)

*Mephone hugged back even tighter, he felt so sorrowful, almost all his life was a lie*

*He continued sobbing for a few good minutes, before he stopped and looked up at his two brothers*

-S-sorry, I don't know what got into me... *he mumbled*

-It's okay mistah phone, we're always here for you. *toilet replied*

*mephone whipped his tears and sighed*
-Do you think you two can fix this? *he asked pointing to his broken foot*

-Hmm maybe but we should take you to Cobs, he's more experienced with this.

*Mephone shook his head in fear of Cobs finding out*
-NO-! I mean, no, please I really don't wanna see Cobs right now... *he pleaded wiping another tear from his face*...or ever in my fucking life *mephone whispered to himself*

(A/N: 0h alz0 th1z 1znt human1f1ed, the1r zt1ll 0bjectz)

*Toilet looked at Mepad and then he nodded*
-Okay sir, if that's what you wish, we'll try our best.


*Mephone was sitting on a chair inside the room waiting for mepad and toilet to finish work so he could leave, he would leave sooner but that means Cobs finding out about his broken foot*

*He sighed and looked down at his now fixed foot, Mepad and toilet did a pretty good job fixing it, Mephone was proud of his brothers*

*he had a small smile on his lips before it turned into a frown, his mind wandered deep inside his head, overthinking everything that could happen to him and his brothers*

*Mephone wished to run away with his brother and NEVER set foot on this place again, but as he already knew he couldn't do that*


-Thanks guy for helping me with fixing my foot. *He said setting down on his bed*

*Toilet smiled and hugged mephone*
-No problem sir, you're our brother, will do anything for you. *he took a step outside waiting for Toilet to leave Mephone alone*

-Hey mistah phone, why did your foot break in the first place? *Toilet asked*
-Oh, it was n-nothing serious, don't worry. *he looked away nervous*

*Toilet just nodded and pulled back from the hug then turned to mepad and gave him a look that said "I know he's lying" and mepad nodded before walking away*

-Okay byee! Have a great rest!!
*he got up and quickly flee out of the room following mepad*

*After they left mephone alredy stated tearing up which led to him starting to cry*

*He was sobbing quietly in his hands as he grew more and more tired, slowly making him fall asleep*

~He wished he didn't found out about Cobs secret~


B00m, 1m d0ne! Z0rry 1f th1z chapter felt rushed, becauze 1t waz l0l
(W0rdz: 1068)

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