#7-Fans dark thoughts

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(Pls DON'T read if this triggers you, I don't wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable, thank you)


*In one quick swish Cabby got to Fans room after getting her files out and placing them carefully in a drawer, keeping them hidden and safe*

*As she got closer to Fans room she could hear something, more like a song, it sounded pretty cool even though Cabby couldn't hear the lyrics, they were to silent*

*One small knock on Fans door and that soft song disappeared, making Cabby look confused*

"Maybe he doesn't like people hearing the music they listens to" *Cabby thought to herself then she knocked against the door once again*
(A/N: Btw, Fan uses They/he/she pronouns, bcuz his genderfluid, pls respect that ^^)

*A little crash and a few other weird sounds were heard in the room, before Cabby cleared her throat and said with a little raised voice*
-Hey Fan, it's just me Cabby, I wanna chat with you, if you feel like it

*She waited for a response, after a few seconds the door slowly open and a very tired looking Fan standed in front of her, they had pretty big eye bags and also her paper body was a mess, being a little bend and also dirty*

-Y-yeah..? *She said in a shaky and raspy voice, like she cried a few minutes ago*

-Oh hey Fan, are you alright? You look, uhmm... Pretty bad.

*Fan nodded, yawning, walking in his room and sitting on the bed, waiting for Cabby to join him*

*Cabby entered as well, closing the door behind her and she started to look around, seeing the dark and messy room*

-Sorry... *He took a pause* Uhm for the room being so messy. *They looked at the window who was covered with some redish curtains*

*Some light was shining through, making the dark looking room visible enough, a few light spots on the floor and fans face*

*She looked at Fan then Fan looked away, Cabby rolled over to the window and pulled the curtains away before she opened the window letting some fresh air get inside making the room smell better and fresh*

-Fan... What's wrong? This room hasn't been cleaned for 2 weeks, you didn't even let Soap tidy it up either...

*Fan frowned knowing exactly why, they didn't want soap to find all his secret stuff that were hidden in the room, all his "coping mechanism" objects*

-No, no Fan, I'm not judging, I understand it must be hard, this is the place you last saw tes- I mean ya know who. *she stopped before she accidentally triggering Fan*

*Cabby rolled over to them and she sat down, placing her hand on Fans shoulder*

-Cabby... Are we friends?
*He whispered*

*That question hurts her in a way, because Fan knew that before this they barely interacted, but of course Cabby couldn't say no, and she actually found Fan pretty endearing and a sweet boy*

-Of course...? *Cabby said awkwardly*

-Lier, we barely talked before! And in season 3 we didn't even like each other!!!

-But we can be friends now... Just like you and Paintbrush used to!-

-DON'T TALK ABOUT PB! I hate them!!! I'm never gonna be their friend EVER AGAIN!!! It's all their fault Test tube is missing...
*He sobbed*

-Fan... You know they didn't mean it.

-THEY SHOULD'VE BEEN MORE CAREFUL! Why would they just leave Test tube there? alone! Even if it was only for half an hour! Still... Paintbrush knew the forest is dangerous, yet they still just-

-... Do you wanna talk about it? *Cabby tried to be helpful and make Fan feel better*

*Angry tears started forming in Fans eyes, making them go down his paper cheeks and soaking them a little*

-I'M JUST GONNA FRICKING JUMP OFF THIS BUILDING! And I want you to burry me right next to the place where she went missing! I WANNA BE NEXT TO HER! I just can't... Live without her.

*They wiped his eyes trying to make himself stop crying or their paper will turn soggy and will start ripping apart*

-Fan... Please think about it, I know living it's painful right now but after you get over her being missing then you'll live a happy life, I promise you.

*Cabby said in a soft voice and started patting Fan on the back trying to comfort her*

*Fan didn't wanna argue anymore, what Cabby was saying didn't make them change their mind but they didn't wanna worry Cabby more because she felt quilty about even telling Cabby about his suicide plans*

-You're right, I won't do it. *He lied*

*Cabby smiled and hugged Fan again*
-C-can you stay here with me for awhile?

-Yes, anyways I'll have to go do another challenge in a few minutes.
*She kept hugging fan, feeling bad for what happened to him, making Cabby feel more guilty because she knew where test tube is*

-Thanks cabby...

*They kept hugging for awhile before a voice was heard from outside, it was OJ he had a megaphone in which he was saying*
-Everyone come down! The challenge is starting in 5 minutes. Don't forget the objects who can be damaged by the water can remain in their room, the rest come out!

*Cabby and Fan looked at each other*
-I guess it's my time to go. *Cabby said*

-Good luck... *He frowned*

*She got up and glared at Fan, still feeling sorry for him*

-Bye... Please stay stron g.
*Cabby ruffled Fans head and They fake smiled, staring into the empty hall*

"I hope I helped them...it would make me feel better knowing that, anyways it's also kinda my fault that Test tube isn't here right now..." *She thought to herself before going out*


P00r fan, I wanna hug him... ☹️
I'm zrry thiz time y'all didn't get any drawingz, I juzt can't draw rn, maybe I have art bl0ck, idk either, but whatever.
(1001 w0rdz)

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