#8-The new creation!

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*Outside the hotel were all the objects that were still in the show plus OJ the host and paper the cohost*

-Hello everybody to a new episode of inanimate insanity!

*OJ said excited then he began to make the intro and started recapping everything that had happened last episode to the viewers*

*Cabby sighed and she walked over to Paintbrush, she placed her hand on their shoulder scaring them slightly*

-Huh? *They flinched and looked at cabby*

-Ops sorry Paintbrush, didn't mean to scare ya! *She inspected Paintbrushes face expression trying to figure out if they feel better*

*Paintbrush half smiled and then looked back at OJ*
-Its ok, don't worry Cabby.
*She frowned because she knew that Paintbrush wasn't feeling great but getting over someone takes time so Cabby decided to let it go for now, at least until the challenge ends*

-Okay everyone, you're next challenge is an obstacle course in the water! You first have to....


(Ignore the bad shading 😭)

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(Ignore the bad shading 😭)

*The lab was cool and dark, the only sounds that could be heard from inside it are some foot steps until they turned into metal sounds*

*It was just Cobs going through boxes with random metal pieces until he got out a dead body, Lightbulbs dead body, it has been cleaned of blood, the only remains were her body and a few of her organs*

*Cobs thought about making a small prototype of his idea, the idea being turning object bodies into robots that can eat, think and feel just like normal objects, tho they can be programmed to do anything, like cleaning or just being someones friend*

*Cobs knew his idea could get him a lot of money, enough money for him to make himself an even bigger company*

*He smirked and looked at LBs dead body*
-I will have the best company ever, I'll finally feel useful in this world-
*He giggled like a maniac and then calmed down, one breath and he was back to his neutral self*

*The dead body was now cut in pieces, most of the glass has been colored green and has been turned into liquid and then into small half circles*

*The metal body was laying besides the table, Cobs will probably use that later to make the body for the robot*

*The organs were all in jars to keep them from dying so he can use them to make the robot act like a normal object*

*But what's that? Suddenly Cobs got out another box, slowly opening it and getting out ANOTHER DEAD BODY, it looked like a pink candy or a bow? It was a bit dirty and it looked pretty old*

*That was Bow, the first object he ever accidentally killed, and the one he got the inspiration to start this project of his, Cobs was proud of how far he with the plan*

*Cobs layed the body on the table, sat down on a chair and grabbed some tools then he started working on the robot, making the metal outside, placing the organs inside of it then using the pink dead body into making the shape of it, he choose a color to paint it and started designing the outside*


*Test tube was taking a break from working, she was just sitting and listening to some music while looking out the window, she saw Cabby coming back in the hotel, trying to be sneaky*

*Before she could look at Cabby more and what she was doing a knock started ringing in the room, a pretty harsh one, Test tube knew it was Cobs he's the only one that knocks like that, he also only knocks on TTs door and nobody else's, that's a bit weird?*

"Huh, I wonder what he needs, maybe his gonna ask for another robot arm, I hope not-"
*Her thoughts were cut short when Cobs just enters, not waiting for Test tube to open the door*

-Cobs! Could I help you with something? You need any new robot parts? *She raised an eyebrow and glared at, Cobs to excited expression, he seemed happy?*

-No, no. I just wanted to give you something!
*He chuckled happily because his prototype came out like how he wanted to, Cobs placed a white and green looking robot on Test tubes table*

-Oh wow Cobs! You really outdone yourself! This looks really good, way better then any of your mephones!

*She smiles and taps the robot a few times and then a small green flashed, two eyes appearing on the robots screen*

-Wha- Oh heii there, are you my friend? *It smiled, looking really innocent and sweet*

-I made you an assistant TT! I hope you enjoy it, I'll let you name it. *He smiles a little bit devious but she was to excited to see that*

-... Well I'll name it Bot! Because it's a robot, don't judge I'm not good with names-

-Oh my names Bot?? That sounds very cool! *it extended its legs and made a few loops of happiness*

*This was once again kinda suspicious, Bot acted like a normal object but Test tube was to blinded by her excitement and surprise*

-I like the name, I'll let you do whatever with it now, I have to...take care of something right now.

*Cobs smirked and left the room closing the door behind him, Test tube just nodded and started talking with the robot, trying to observe it and see what it can do*
(Btw for now Bot uses it/it's prns but it will be changed to they/them later on, don't worry!)


*Cabby was finally in her room, wet and everything, she couldn't stay any longer, seeing Paintbrush act so broken because of the trauma from losing their best friend, it made Cabby feel so bad she just wanted to leave*

*Her guild got the better of her and she needed to let it out, the only other person besides Cobs that knew what was happening was Taco, Cabbys only option to let her feelings go*

*She quickly dried up and started rolling out the door and towards Tacos room, passing Test tubes lab where Cabby saw Cobs but she didn't pay any attention to him*

*Cabby arrived at the door and sighed*
"I hope she's available..."


Okayy everyone I wanna say that I'll be posting slowly from now on bcuz of my mental health, I really need a break.
(1076 words)

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