#5-Back to the beginning

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-SMOKING(In the drawing too)


*Cobs was just planing more stuff like usual, thinking on what to do next when someone started knocking on his door*

-Ughhh... Come in! *he said a little bit annoyed, hoping it wasn't anything that could waist his time*

*Right then suitcase entered, slowly closing the door behind her*

-Yes suitcase? Can I help you? *Cobs raised an eyebrow and got up from his seat*
(NA; C0bz be l1ke; 🤨/hj)

-Yeah, I just wanted to ask something. *She said nervous*
-Go ahead and ask, just nothing stupid.
*He walked closer to her, making suitcase grow more anxious because Cobs was so much taller then her*

-Uuuh yeah, I just wanna ask why did you hire Tissues in replace of Lightbulb? He is totally useless, he just sneezes all the time.
*She started to Raise her voice a little, feeling a bit angry, so she took a small breath and then continued in a less of an annoyed tone*
-He almost ruined the robot parts I was working on because of his sneezing!

*Cobs knew exactly why, because Tissues would be an easy target for him and his evil plans, but he couldn't say that and let the truth out*

-Well he listens to me more than Lightbulb, in comparison to her, Tissues would do almost anything I tell him to.

*Suitcase just narrowed her eyes not trusting Cobs, but she left it like that bcuz she didn't wanna make him angry*

-Makes sense... I guess. *She whispered the last part, obviously lieing but not wanting to go further*

*She quickly left the room and Someone else entered, it was Cabby*

*Cobs sighed once seeing her and he leaned on the chair more*
-Yes Cabby? May I help you?

-I just wanna ask what you actually did with lightbulb, because I'm sure you didn't fire her, That would be to much of a danger to your dirty secret.

*Cobs had a neutral face but sounded annoyed*
-Well dear Cabby, I don't think that's any of your business.

-But I wanna know! *She snapped back*
*Cobs looked pissed now, he got up and started walking around Cabby, trying to intimidate her*

-You really want to get on my nerves today don't you? *Cobs hissed but then he cleared his trought trying to sound more calm*

-If you continue to annoy me all day, I won't be sure that the promise I made will be kept. *He smirked still going slowly in circles around Cabby, making her dizzy*

-You better not touch my friends and girlfriend! IF YOU BREAK THE PROMISE THEN I'LL- *She started threatening before getting interrupted*
-Then you'll what?! *He shouted, growing angrier and angrier by the moment*

-... I'll- I'll tell everyone what you're actual plans with the robot parts are! *Cabby tried to sound brave but she was actually shivering inside*

-YOU LITTLE PIECE OF- *Cobs started raising his knuckles being ready to hit Cabby, she looked petrified and took a step back*

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