#2- Just brushing it off

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*It was late at night when mephone woke up because of a peculiar sound of metal, which was weird cuz no one was allowed to be out of their room at this hour*

*mephone looked around at his walls, the glowing stars still giving him weird feelings, the light from them made his screen spark in the shadow of his room, the only window was blinded by a fake curtain that he made out of his old blanket*

-Maybe just a peak won't hurt. *He said this out loud to himself but as a very quiet whisper that only he could hear*

*Mephone slowly raised from his bed and trembled to the exit of his room, he touched the door knob but took a pause before slowly turning the knob around and opening the door*

*a slow breeze hit his leg making him shiver, then he took a quick peak seeing a door from the hallway in front of him open, the light was turned on but before he could stare at it a little more the light suddenly closed and Cobs came out of it before disappearing into the dark hallway that was besides the door, a quick glimps of his glasses could be spotted because of some lights outside that made them glimmer*


*Mephone was working on the robotic parts, but he just couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night, why was Cobs out so late and what was he doing there?*

*Mephone quickly snapped out of his deep thoughts when Toilet pinched him*
-Agh! What, why did ya pinch me with your mouth?! *he growled*

*Toilet chuckled and he responded in a thin voice*
-Heheh, because you were lost in your thoughts! And also because it's funny.
*he tried to keep his laughter in, mephone gave him a glare and then rolled his eyes playfully*
-Yeah, yeah fair enough.

*Mepad walked up to them and smiled*
-What are you doing sir? *He had a pleasant voice, very soft and elegant, mephone always admired mepad in a way, even tho he was the big brother*
-Oh nothing, just ya know working? *he set the parts aside and sighed relieved that the hours of work were already over*

*As they were walking out of the room mephone stopped and looked over at the door that he saw Cobs the other night*
-Hey guys-
*They stopped in their track and looked over at Mephone before Toilet said curious*
-Uhhm... Did y'all ever question why Light bulb and Suitcase said that they don't know how they got here? Or is it just me?

*Toilet and Mepad looked at each other and shrugged*
-No, why ya asking? *Toilet looked confused and a little bit nervous*
-Oh, nothing just forget it-
*He brushed it off*


*After Mephone got to his room he walked up to the window before pausing, he wished to go outside so bad, to see what's out there*

*the only time he went outside was a year ago when he learned how to create stuff out of nothing, whatever he wished*

*Mephone was proud of himself and wanted Cobs attention, but he didn't give mephone any so he decided to try and run away just like they do in movies, maybe then Cobs would actually care about him*

*After he stole the keys to the front door he sprinted out of there, running as fast as he could but before mephone got to the edge of the clouds, some phones that looked like him but more advanced, stopped mephone*

*They grabbed him and sent him to Cobs office where there was waiting a very angry looking Cobs*

*He started shouting at mephone all kinds of stuff but when he said "You're literally making me hate you more!!" Mephone just stopped listening and kept nodding, without saying anything, he always knew Cobs didn't like him, but him confirming it was even worse*

*He started shouting at mephone all kinds of stuff but when he said "You're literally making me hate you more!!" Mephone just stopped listening and kept nodding, without saying anything, he always knew Cobs didn't like him, but him confirming it w...

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*That night Mephone pulled an all nighter, he cried and cried (N/A: d0nt azk me h0w he can cry) until the sun raised over his window*

*Mephone could never forget that day, that's why he didn't try to run away again, but this time he really wanted to, he wished to do it so bad*

*He was very close to just escaping trough the window right now, but Mephone couldn't do that to Toilet and Mepad, they were everything to him*


*Cobs called them for another stupid meeting, probably to talk about work and plans for whatever he needed all those robot parts for*

*Mephone didn't know why he called them there, he wasn't paying attention to anything*

*a blank and neutral expression could be seen on his face, but Toilet and Mepad didn't ask mephone about it, they were scared to interrupt Cobs*

*Light bulb kept making fun of Cobs behind his back, talking to either suitcase or test tube, mephone could hear it because that was the only thing he paid attention to*

*every time Light bulb said a rude remark he would chuckle but very quietly, every mean joke about Cobs would make him smile, knowing that there was actually someone that wasn't afraid of Cobs, someone that may protect him?*

*After a while of talking Cobs, turned around looking very angry at Light bulb*
-CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP! I've heard all you're little "jokes" about me, their not funny!
*he snapped at Light bulb, but she didn't look fazed*
-Omga, sorry old man, this meeting was to boring I just tried to make it more fun.

*Cobs made everyone leave except Light bulb, she was left alone with Cobs*

*Mephone felt bad for her, she would probably get yelled at for all those mean jokes and rude remarks*


*Mephone was sitting in his bed, reading before going to sleep when he heard something, it sounded like metal and glass*

*He wanted to check it out but it was to late at night, the rules were saying that no one's allowed outside their room after 9 pm*

*a few foot steps could be heard from outside the room and then it was dead silence again*

*Mephone sighed, he knew it was probably Cobs, but he kept brushing it off, it was probably nothing important*

*He set his book aside, closed his lamp and all the glowing stars started lighting Mephones screen then he slowly fell asleep into a deep slumber*

~He needed to brush off every bad thought~


Y1ppee!! Zec0nd chapter! ^^
(1081 w0rdz)

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