Internationals Part | (one)

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Ozzy's POV:
It was just an other day at Internationals. People talking , walking around and watching the competition with stunner and admiration.
I was coming back to A troupe after talking with my uncle before Izzy came over to me, now that we are reaching the half finale everything seems more and more stressful but that's how the competition works.

"We've got a problem Heath is making an emergency meeting for all of us right now" Iz said "wait what's going on what's wrong " I said shocked that so close for the halfway something happens to throw us off ground.

"You'll see in a minute come on everyone is waiting " They said while dragging me with them. Once we've all gathered around expect for Richelle since she's been interviewed right now for some pro division documentary or something, I'll just tell her as soon as she's done.

Kenzie who's decided to share her dance captaincy with heath started immediately ask him what's happening. "Okay what's wrong why did you call this emergency meeting heath?" she asked sounding more stressed out than she's already been, I put my hand on her shoulder and squeeze it lightly just to show her that we've got this, she immediately looks up to me and breaks a small smile which made me smile back at her.

"Since you all know that Ethan and Ebby hurt themselves in the small group dance earlier Ebby is now completely out, she's in the hospital right now for her foot and cannot dance and since Ethan has a small injury but still an injury we've got no duet now" he said making everyone freak out. I look over to Kenzie only to see her stressed face turning into a panic one. "So the question is does anyone have a duet ?" "Well me and Ethan have one but since he's injured we can't perform it" said Jude who was technically the alternate of the team and should take ebby's spot now.

"Well me and Xander have one too but we haven't rehearsed it in like forever so .." trailed Jett off. "Me and Kenzie also have one but we've rehearsed it like only two times and-" "No! None of theses duets have been rehearsed enough to be performed, we are at Internationals it has to be an almost perfect duet if we want to get through the half finale" Kenzie said with a concerning voice yet determined one. This was bad the team erupted with noise, chaos and panic, everyone was throwing ideas but nothing came out of it and the time was ticking we gotta find a solution and fast or the journey might be over.

As the chaos went on I kept thinking about some way to help the team when suddenly an idea hit me "Guys i might have a solution" I said loudly so everyone would listen to me. "well don't just stand there wasting time tell us!!" " Me and Richelle could do the duet" I said firmly, everyone just looks at me in shock before Ethan start to speak up for the group "No way we can't do that you two aren't even on A troupe anymore" "I'm not but Richelle is" I answer back, I look at Kenzie before continuing "since Richelle won pro Division last year and is listed as your Professional dancer representing The Next Step she can" I explain further.

"And because she's a professional she can request if she's dancing with a member of A troupe or a person of her choice" "but how is that gonna work when tns is called they expect to see ebby and Ethan since they have been listed for the duet" heath answered extremely worried that their journey might be over, "we've got one hour and thirty minutes to let the registers know that the dancer's have been changed" "well then that's it problem solved" said Pete interrupting me before I could continue to explain more further.

"Wait there is one more thing" I respond quickly hoping now that the team wouldn't break down in chaos again. "what is it" "if me and Richelle perform we will be judged as professional dancers and-" " well that's obvious Richelle is a professional" interrupt Ethan shaking his head. "pssht, let him talk. Go on Ozzy" Kenzie said getting more anxious as the second passes. "our point system will be different from you guys, meaning to get you guys to the next round we have to score above 95 points".

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