good morning

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halts story/pov

Sometimes Halt wonders why he chose Will as his apprentice. 

At some moments, he just fully regrets it.

2 days ago, Will dropped the damn coffee pot, wich shattered all over the floor. Will being the person he is, got scared by that and knocked over a glass of water. He ended up soaking the floor and coffee, plus breaking 2 pots. 

Today, he was supposed to go to Toss again, the village they- he always goes to when the coffee runs out. But the town is popular because of the coffee. So Will HAS to get up early to go to Toss and get coffee from the market. Can you guess the thing he did not do?

He slept in. 

Will slept in while Halt was doing his work at the castle. The fun thing was that Crowley told Halt that he shouldn't leave Will alone sleeping, because teenage boys sleep ALOT. But Halt didn't believe him- he didn't want to believe him, and left Will alone.

So now, he's stuck with an over-slept and crazy Will, because it was his own fault that he didn't get the coffee. And lets not forget that Halt himself was slowly becoming crazy too, without his damn coffee.

earlier that morning


Halt's work at the castle was finally done. He got up early, like really early, to make sure he would be done by 10am. Crowley actually helped him, being the good friend he is. (actually Crowley didn't trust Halt because he was running on 1 day without coffee).

''I'm telling you, when you get back to your cabin, that boy will be sleeping like he's in a coma as if he smelled Gorlogs beard'', Crowley said as he finished up the last writing.

Halt pulled one eyebrow up, giving him a side eye. ''Will is young, so he is full of energy, he will be back from Toss when i get back home'' Halt told Crowley. ''Don't be so sure of that, Halt. You and I were 17 too... don't tell me you didn't sleep in when where that age- OH THAT MAKES ME THINK OF THE TIME WHEN YO-''



''We are not going to talk about THAT.'' 

Halt looked Crowley dead in the eye, and if looks could kill, he would be rolling 4 times in his grave by now.

Without saying any word, Halt turned his back to Crowley and walked out of the door. He silently walked through the halls, trying not to catch any attention. 

He quickly jumped on Abelard smoothly and started riding back to the cabin. On his way back, Halt started to question his decision. What if Will actually slept in..? He for sure would not last another day without coffee. He just prayed that Will woke up and already came back from Toss. ''I swear if he is sleeping i will drag him to the nearest moat and throw him into it as a punishment'', halt mumbled softly as he saw the house coming closer.

After he had cleaned Abelard up and said goodbye, he walked over to the veranda and to the door. He got a very unpleasant gut feeling that Will didn't get the coffee. He slowly opened the door, feeling his heart drop as the house was complete silent and dark. Everything was silent, except for one thing; 

Wills soft snores.

''Gorglogs beard just kill me already...'' Halt said to himself. He walked over to Wills room, opening his door softly, first wanting to see the state he was in.

(If there would've been camera's in idk what year they are in rn, Halt would for sure take selfies with him sleeping and print them just to torture him by hanging them all around the house)

As he walked into his room, he saw the disaster that was laying in front of him. Will was dead asleep on his bed, under the covers with one leg out, laying on his belly and his arms over his head. His hear was all over the place, messy and knotty, it would take a solid 30 mins to comb everything out. He drooled a little, just by his corner of his mouth leaving a wet spot on his pillow. And we can't forget that one piece of hair that was in his mouth and all wet by his drool.

Halt decided not to have mercy on him. So the first thing he came up with was picking up the vase with 1 day fresh flowers and dumping all of the water including the flowers all over his head.

Wills head shot up and he was wide awake as he tried to process the fact that he got woken up by a reckless Halt, scared for his life.

''Good morning, sleeping beaty'', Halt said sarcastic.

My first chapter of this ''continuing'' book! lmk what you think and dont forget to vote!

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