peace... for once

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That's rare. 

When you live as a ranger, your live is never quiet or peaceful. There are always things going on, you have a mission or have to do your training. Or in Will's case, you got kidnapped.

See, if you get kidnapped, youve got to deal with the after maths. Nightmares. Flashbacks. The flinching. So it is never quiet inside that brain. And thats the thing that bothered Will the most.

Don't get him wrong tho, he loves to do his work as an apprentice, and he loves it when Halt makes him do more chores when he is having a hard time (to keep him busy to not let the thoughts win). But after all of those things, there is never peace. After a long day of training, sitting next to Halt at the fire or just staring at the ceiling in bed, that is comforting. But it's not peace. Because the thoughts and memories are still there. Their still present in his mind. He cannot shut them off, they are just.... existing.

But after a long time, Will felt peace. Silence. It was quiet.

30 mins earlier

Will decided to take a walk so he could clear his mind. It has been a long, very long day for him. He had to go on a mission with Halt, and he failed.'

He missed while shooting with his bow. And if there was one thing that made Will sad, it was failing the thing he loved. He knew he was still learning, but he wanted to succeed so bad. And he was scared that he would disapoint Halt. And even after Halt tried to convince him that it was okay and it was normal to miss, the feeling of failure was still in his body.

So after they got home, Will wanted to clear his mind. He didn't know where he was walking to, just wherever his legs took him. So he walked. He walked for 5 mins, 10 mins, 30 minutes. 

Will snapped out of his mind when he heard a loud crack. He stepped on a stick that fell right in front of him. He was suprised after he realized he was zoned out for almost the entire walk.

''Lets' throw this thing away then" Will mumbled as he bend over to grab the stick. As it was quite a big one, he didn't want anyone to trip over it.

Just as he came up again, his jaw dropped.

Right infront of him, there were thousands if not millions of flowers. Every color, from yellow to purple. It was the most breath taking sight he had ever seen. Not even the sight of coffee could top this. 

And suddenly his mind was quiet. Observing the colors and the smell of the fresh flowers overtook him.

''Halt would love these'' Will mumbled to himself as he got some flowers to take home with him.

He chose the purple and blue ones for halt, and the yellow and red ones for himself. He got as many as he could, to make sure he had enough.

As it started to get late, he headed back to the cabin. He took one last look at the beatiful sight behind him and then walked away. Will hoped he could find this place again... It made his mind quiet after almost 2 years... 

he finally found peace 

Short chapter sorry! my apolagies for not posting  IM SORRY. idk what happened to me and writing but i just coukdnt write anything... a thing called writers block ig? idk but this is a short cute chapter! i will continue using this place in my next chapters i think. isnt it cute that will thought of Halt when he saw the flowers? 

Wills struggle.... continuedWhere stories live. Discover now