chapter 1

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Min yoongi pov:

I was walking down the hallways of my school, I was 20 mins late to my first class but luckily the teacher didn't care about attendance.

I walked into the class and just walked to my seat. I placed my backpack on the hook that was on the side of my desk and took out my books  which I flipped to the page that the class was on.

"Okay so, now the min yoongi is here we can start on our actual lesson" the teacher said and turned to the board.

"Okay so, today in English we will be learning the words, love and hate" the teacher said in English.

I look at my book and find the two words.

"Okay repeat after me, lo-ve" the teacher said with his Korean accent.

"Lo-ve" the class repeated.

"Love means to like something or someone a lot, like really alot" he explains in English.

I don't see the point of explaining what the word means when it just the same meaning but in a different language. Anyways we take like 20 minutes learning lo e and then we move on to hate.



"Hate is when you dislike someone to an unbelievable amount"

Before he could finish the bell for 2nd period rang.

"Okay, that is it for today, no homework" the teacher said and exited the room.

The rest of the day went on like normal and lunch finally came.

"Jin hyung!" I yelled as I walked over to jin hyung and namjoon, namjoon was the same age as me, but I was a few months older.

"Hey yoongi, wait where is you food?"jin hyung asked and I looked away.

"Yoongi you have five seconds to go get food before I shave this whole plate into your mouth" jin hyung said and I went to go get food.

Jin hyung knows I don't like to eat in public places because I am scared to after what happened in my middle days, but he still makes me because he says 'I need to stop thinking about what others say' I don't care honestly, it's just I don't like when people stare at me.

Anyways got my food and walked back to jin hyung and namjoon.

"So namjoon, what did you do last night?" I asked

"Jin hyung" namjoon said with a smirk on his face, which cause jin hyung to hit him.

"Ya, kim namjoon!" Jin hyung yelled and namjoon just laughed.

I am so done with this couple. When I was done eating I went to plut my tray back. I was walking back to the table when someone pull a arm around my shoulder. I took a deep breath because I knew who it was.

"Jung hoseok you have 3 seconds to move your arm or else I will break it" I threatened, which cause him to quickly move his arm away.

"Come on yoongi don't be like that, I know you like it" hoseok said with a smile.

"And don't threatened, I'm older then you" he said again.

"Don't think.i will call you hyung, ever!" I said and walked away from him.

I hate that guy, I really do.


I was now night time, I had got home and took a shower. I helped my mom cook food and ate.

"Yoongi, dear I know it is late but cal you pls go get my some pain killers from the store, your dad is not feeling well." I heard my mom say from outside my door.

"Yeah" I said and pulled my shoes on when I got downstairs.

Walking to the store I felt like I was being watched, I payed no mind to it though.

I walked in and got the pain killers then left. I decided to take the short cut and go through the alley way the leads to the side of my house.

I turned the corner and walked down. Once I almost reached the end i saw a dark silhouette just a few feet in front of me.

I look closer and saw someone I didn't expect to see............

Jung hoseok!!!!!.

I looked at him and he looked back, I noticed another person next to him but the person wasn't moving.

I walked up more and saw thick red liquid on hoseoks face. I started to think of all the red liquids that are like that but the only o e that came to mind was........... blood.


Omg I am finally making a sope book again! Anyways guys I am going to yt!, I made a YouTube channel and I am making my books into fanfic videos, I kept watching some on yt so I want to do that for my books, go subscribe, it's called sope_butnamjin, really just my user on here anyways bye!!!!

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